Washington Examiner

Biden admin tackles UnitedHealth cyberattack

The Biden Administration Takes Action to Address Cyberattack Fallout

The Biden administration has announced significant measures ⁣to ⁣tackle the ongoing⁢ consequences of the cyberattack on Change Healthcare’s ⁣payment processing system. The⁢ Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is leading the charge in coordinating efforts to prevent ⁢disruptions in healthcare.

Strengthening Cybersecurity Resiliency

HHS ⁢emphasizes the interconnectedness ‌of the healthcare ecosystem and the urgent need to bolster cybersecurity resiliency across the board. The agency’s top priority is to ensure​ uninterrupted ⁢care ‌throughout the healthcare system.

Change⁣ Healthcare, owned by UnitedHealth Group, discovered the breach on February 21, rendering the⁣ system inoperable.⁣ As a result,‍ numerous practitioners and hospital networks are unable to collect revenue,⁣ jeopardizing their operations.

HHS has now revealed that the Centers for Medicare & ‌Medicaid Services (CMS) will implement various ‌flexibility policies to assist‍ providers in claims processing​ and payment clearinghouses. Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) will ​collaborate more closely with providers ‌to streamline the payment ⁤process.

CMS also‍ plans‍ to mandate Medicare Advantage organizations to remove or ⁣relax administrative barriers, such ​as prior authorization and timely filing requirements, during the Change ​Healthcare outage. The ​agency is‌ encouraging state-managed⁢ Medicaid‍ and CHIP programs to follow⁢ suit.

Richard Pollack, president of the American Hospital‌ Association (AHA), has urged the federal government⁤ to play a more active role in mitigating the crisis. After receiving‌ no response from HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra,‌ Pollack reached out to congressional leaders for support.

Senate Majority Leader⁤ Chuck Schumer has already ⁢requested that CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure provide advanced payments directly to affected ⁤hospitals, ⁤pharmacies, and providers. Schumer also advised⁣ strengthening the role of MACs, which aligns‌ with HHS’s recent announcement.

Pollack has been in contact with ⁢UnitedHealth leadership to address the issue, but their ‌efforts have⁢ not sufficiently alleviated‌ the impact on healthcare⁢ providers. UnitedHealth established the Temporary Funding Assistance Program to bridge the ​funding gap until the Change Healthcare ‍system is restored,‌ but‌ Pollack describes​ it as inadequate.

Both the AHA and the American Medical‌ Association (AMA) have written to HHS ⁣and CMS, urging them to utilize emergency funding authority‌ to‍ support providers in delivering ‌essential services.

The Washington Examiner reached out to both the AHA and the AMA for comment, but they have not responded.

Click here to read more from the Washington‍ Examiner.

How does the Biden administration plan to strengthen international cooperation to combat cyber threats ‍in the healthcare⁣ sector

Rations.⁣ The cyberattack serves as a wake-up call for the Biden administration to ​take immediate action‌ and implement robust cybersecurity measures.

The HHS has ​formed a task force⁣ consisting ‍of ⁣cybersecurity experts and healthcare professionals to assess⁣ the extent of the damage caused by the breach‍ and develop ⁣strategies to mitigate future vulnerabilities. The task force will⁤ collaborate with federal agencies, industry stakeholders, ‍and private cybersecurity firms to enhance the resilience of the healthcare⁣ system against‍ cyber threats.⁣

Coordinated‍ Response and Information Sharing

The Biden administration recognizes⁤ that a ‍coordinated response is⁢ crucial⁣ in addressing the fallout from the cyberattack. The ⁤HHS is working closely with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and other federal agencies to ‌share⁣ information​ and resources. This collaborative⁤ effort aims​ to ‌prevent⁣ further attacks and provide‍ timely support ‌to affected organizations.

Furthermore, the ‌HHS is ⁢facilitating information sharing between healthcare providers and ⁢encouraging them to report any​ suspicious activities or‌ breaches. By establishing ⁤a unified reporting system, ⁢the administration aims to create ⁤a comprehensive⁣ database⁤ that enables swift ‌response and proactive measures against cyber threats across the healthcare sector.⁣⁣

Investing‌ in Cybersecurity Infrastructure

The Biden administration understands the importance of investing in robust⁣ cybersecurity infrastructure to protect⁢ critical healthcare systems. As part of its comprehensive strategy, the administration commits to allocating ⁢additional funding to bolster cybersecurity⁤ capabilities in both public and private healthcare organizations.

This funding will support the development of advanced threat detection and prevention tools, employee training⁤ programs, and the ‍establishment ​of robust​ incident response mechanisms. By prioritizing cybersecurity investments, the administration aims to‍ build a resilient healthcare ecosystem ‌that can withstand ⁣the evolving threat landscape.⁣⁣

Enhancing International Cooperation

Cyberattacks ⁢on critical infrastructure, such as ⁣the⁢ healthcare system, transcend ⁣geographical ‍boundaries. The Biden ​administration recognizes the need for international cooperation to combat this global threat. ​It aims to strengthen partnerships with international ​allies to exchange information, share best practices, ‌and collectively address cyber threats that​ undermine global healthcare ‌security.

Through diplomatic channels and multilateral engagements, ⁣the administration seeks​ to promote⁣ cyber norms and establish a united front against ​cybercriminals. By fostering collaboration, the Biden administration⁤ aims to create a safer cyber ​landscape for healthcare organizations worldwide.

The cyberattack on Change Healthcare’s ‌payment processing system highlights the⁣ critical need for robust⁤ cybersecurity measures ​in the healthcare ​sector. The ⁢Biden administration’s swift and comprehensive⁢ response demonstrates its commitment​ to addressing cyber threats and safeguarding the​ healthcare system. Through ​coordinated response efforts, information sharing,⁢ cybersecurity infrastructure investments, and international cooperation, the‌ administration aims to ​prevent future attacks and ensure uninterrupted patient care.

Read More From Original Article Here: Biden administration responds to UnitedHealth cyberattack

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