Becerra Tells Congress This individual ‘Never Sued Any Nuns’ Despite California’s Small Sisters Of THE INDEGENT Lawsuit

Becerra Tells Congress This individual ‘Never Sued Any Nuns’ Despite California’s Small Sisters Of THE INDEGENT Lawsuit

Xavier Becerra, President Biden’s nominee for Health insurance and Human Providers secretary, testified to Congress during his confirmation listening to on Wednesday he provides “never sued any nuns,” despite California’s lawsuit contrary to the Small Sisters of the indegent.

“I’ve never sued any nuns,” Becerra, who serves as California’s attorney general, told the Senate Finance Committee.

“I’ve taken on the government, but I’ve never sued any affiliation of nuns, and my actions will always be fond of the federal agencies since they have been attempting to do things unlike regulations in California,” Becerra continued.

In 2017, Becerra filed case with respect to California contrary to the Trump administration to reimpose the federal Obamacare mandate forcing health insurers to supply contraception coverage. Former President Obama’s HHS had imposed the contraception mandate on almost all health insurers in 2011, like the Little Sisters of the indegent, who objected to it on religious grounds, opening themselves around crippling government fines. THE TINY Sisters is really a Catholic order of nuns who look after older people in need.

Becerra’s bid to finesse his record and whitewash it of a distasteful item like litigation against nuns can be an try to exploit a distinction lacking any appreciable difference, namely that the tiny Sisters of the indegent intervened in California’s case contrary to the federal government to become in a position to fight it directly.

However, the very reason for Becerra’s lawsuit was to force the tiny Sisters and any group with a religious exemption from providing contraception coverage to begin with doing so.

In July, the tiny Sisters won among their cases at the Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of Trump administration rules allowing private employers with religious objections to eschew contraception coverage. Even though victory, that ought to have closed the problem permanently, Becerra’s litigation contrary to the Little Sisters remains ongoing.

Becerra also balked when asked about whether he’d support any limits on abortion access should he be confirmed as HHS secretary.

“I respect those that have a particular view,” Becerra responded when asked by Senator Steve Daines, a Montana Republican, whether he’d look at a ban on sex-selective abortions.

Likewise, Becerra declined to state whether he’d support a ban on partial-birth abortion, a late-term abortion procedure which involves delivering the fetus and sometimes collapsing the infant’s skull. Partial-birth abortion was outlawed in the U.S. in 2003.

“What I could say is that I’ll ensure that I’m respecting regulations on those issues,” Becerra responded.

His apparent refusal to take into account any kind of abortion restrictions come in line with Becerra’s history of rabid support for abortion access. He also served as prosecutor in the California criminal trial of David Daleiden, the pro-life activist who released undercover videos of Planned Parenthood executives discussing the procurement of fetal areas of the body. Becerra took over that case from now-Vice President Kamala Harris.

Becerra is also a popular of the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, which includes donated multiple times to Becerra’s campaigns and expressed its full-throated support of his nomination to lead the powerful HHS.

The Finance Committee will vote on Becerra’s controversial nomination, and he’ll face a vote in the entire Senate.

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