The bongino report

Basically, Biden Can’t Be Bothered With the Border

Basically, Biden Can’t Be Bothered With the Border
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As Cameron Arcand reported, President Biden traveled to Arizona on Tuesday – no, not to survey the southern border or address the immigration crisis that his policies have worsened exponentially, but to tour a Taiwanese computer chip manufacturing plant in Phoenix. TSMC has announced it will more than triple its planned investment there to $40 billion.

Given that Arizona is a border state and given the proximity of Phoenix to the border, one might expect the President could work a brief visit into his travels, but that, of course, might require him to acknowledge and confront the destruction wreaked by his administration’s disastrous policies and accountability isn’t exactly a prominent feature of this administration.

So, what did Joe say when Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked: “Why go to a border state and not visit the border?” “Because there are more important things going on,” was his retort before pointing to the chipmaker’s announced investment.

Granted, an investment of this nature is important. But with this statement, the President has made his priorities clear, and securing the southern border, addressing the perils of illegal immigration and the out-of-control drug and human trafficking don’t rate.

Nice slap in the face to Arizonans dealing with the border crisis on a daily basis, Joe.

Note: This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Wednesday, December 7th. Audio included below.

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