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‘Bare Minimum Mondays’: New TikTok Trend Encourages Taking It Easy On First Day Of The Work Week

TikTok Users are fascinated by “Bare Minimum Mondays,” A trend encouraging employees to work as few hours as possible the first day of their week.

Marisa Jo Maies was a TikTok founder based out of Phoenix and who coined this phrase. “Bare Minimum Mondays,” This has been viewed more than 2 million times. views You can find the platform here. Mayes posted videos of Mayes, who claims she is now self-employed. They show Mayes doing chores in her home and listening to podcasts as she schedules meetings or starts work.

@itsmarisajo The Chores Edition: Monday is a Bare Minimum⏱️🧼🎧 #bareminimummonday #bareminimummondays #wfh #selfemployed #selfemployedlife #burnoutrecovery #productivitytips ♬ Theme From A Summer Place – Percy Faith

Mayes recognizes that people who work in traditional offices do not have the option of putting off their start times or presenting little effort to their employers. To her colleagues in the corporate world, she advised them to “remove any wishful thinking tasks from your list” You can save time! “overachieve” For Tuesday.

“One thing I know would have helped me when I was in corporate is to think to myself, Where might I be putting unnecessary pressure on myself?” She continued the video. “What are you overly stressed about that you just don’t need to be stressed about?”

@itsmarisajo Reply to @alysialovesmakeup😵‍💫 #bareminimummonday #bareminimummondays #worklifewellbeing #burnoutrecovery #wfhtips ♬ Theme From A Summer Place – Percy Faith

Mayes stated in interview The New York Post explains that this philosophy is a part of the New York Post “completely overhauled” She hopes to have positive economic effects on the world through her work relationship. “It’s more of an opportunity for people to start untethering themselves from hustle culture, little by little, until corporate America catches up,” Elle commented. “The tide is turning, and I feel like employees are tired of trading their well-being to perform well at work.”

It “Bare Minimum Monday” Trend drew immediate parallels to “Quiet Quitting,” A work approach in which employees are unwilling to put more effort than what is required of them by job descriptions. These phenomena are common in prominent white-collar companies such as technology firms. downsize Staff to improve profitability: More than 94,000 people were fired from technology companies in the first 2 months of 2023 according to A.A. report Crunchbase says that even though companies have eliminated some 140,000 jobs last year, Crunchbase estimates this.

Young employees from top companies shared their day-inspiring TikTok videos, which featured them enjoying free perks and minimal work. Nicole Tsai previously published a series Videos boasting about Google’s amenities-packed Google offices. She ended her video series by revealing that she was laid off. Riley Rojas (a Meta project manager) posted videos showing the generous perks offered before Google. reduced They have been unable to pay their employees at the request of concerned investors.

Technology sector employees are angry that executives have reversed virtual work policies created during the recession-induced lockdown. Amazon has thousands of employees. They now require staff members to report to work at least 3 times per week. started An internal Slack channel that challenges the death of remote work for Starbucks employees petitioned Management in the aftermath of similar announcements.


Virtual work is preferred by employees because it reduces commute time and offers more flexibility. However, the costs to employers can be significant. According to A.A., 85% of managers feel that the switch to hybrid work in the recession lockdown has undermined employee productivity. study Microsoft

“From ‘Bare Minimum Mondays’: New TikTok Trend Encourages Taking It Easy On First Day Of The Work Week

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