Washington Examiner

Authors criticize Scholastic for segregating books by race, sexuality.

Scholastic Introduces New⁣ Category of⁣ Books Celebrating‍ Diversity

Scholastic ‍recently announced an exciting ⁤addition to its book fairs, but‌ with a twist.‍ The company revealed‌ a​ new category called “Share Every Story, Celebrate Every Voice,” featuring ​books by LGBT authors and authors of color. However, these books won’t be automatically available at the fairs; schools will ⁣have‍ to specifically ‍request them.

The collection consists of ⁢64 captivating titles, including works by notable‌ figures such ‌as Colin Kaepernick, Amanda⁤ Gorman,​ Ruby ⁢Bridges, and Malala Yousafzai. Interestingly, this category was introduced right in the middle of ‍Scholastic’s book fair season, adding an element⁢ of surprise and anticipation.

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However, this decision ​by Scholastic has sparked controversy. The⁣ company ‍explained that due to certain laws and regulations, they faced a difficult choice.⁢ They could either exclude these diverse books to avoid potential legal issues for teachers and librarians, or they could offer them and risk facing consequences themselves. Scholastic acknowledged that their solution may not be ⁢perfect, but they firmly believe in the importance of providing these books ‍to students.

Despite the criticism, Scholastic emphasized that their book fairs still offer a⁣ wide range of diverse titles⁤ for all age groups. They also ‍assured that their middle school‌ fairs remain ⁤unchanged, continuing to promote inclusivity and diversity.

Not surprisingly, the ⁤authors included in​ the “Share Every Story, ‌Celebrate Every ​Voice” category expressed their disappointment. Amanda Gorman, the talented ⁤Youth Poet Laureate who captivated ⁢the​ nation with‍ her poem at President Joe Biden’s ⁣inauguration, took to​ social ⁤media to voice her concerns and demand change.

Gorman’s illustrator, Loren‍ Long, also joined the conversation, referring to Scholastic’s actions as “book censorship.” The frustration was shared by author Rebecca ‍Burgess, who ⁤expressed her disappointment that her book on LGBT romance, which had ‍the⁢ potential to reach a wider audience, might‍ now be limited​ to a niche market.

Scholastic explained that ​their decision was influenced by the presence of legislation in over 30 states that restricts certain books, particularly ⁢those related to LGBTQIA+⁣ topics and racism. The company ⁢acknowledged‌ that they cannot make decisions ‍for their school partners, ⁢who must consider the laws applicable ⁤to their districts.

Despite the controversy, Scholastic remains a prominent publisher with a rich history dating back ​to 1920. Their book fairs, which have​ been​ a tradition ‍since 1981, ​are ‌featured in an impressive 115,000 schools nationwide, reaching⁢ millions of educators and students.

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How does Scholastic’s decision to require schools to request these books potentially marginalize the voices‌ of LGBT authors and authors ​of color?

Limitations in making these⁢ books automatically available at their book fairs. By ⁤requiring schools to specifically request these books, Scholastic hopes to⁢ overcome ‌these challenges and ensure that‌ all students have access to diverse voices ⁢and stories.

The “Share Every Story, Celebrate Every Voice” category aims to highlight the experiences​ and perspectives of individuals from marginalized communities. It strives⁣ to empower students by providing them with books that reflect their identities and tell their stories. By featuring books by LGBT ​authors and authors of⁣ color, Scholastic aims to foster inclusivity and promote⁢ a more diverse literary landscape.

The collection of 64 titles offers ‌a wide range ‍of genres and themes, ensuring that there is something for every‌ reader. From autobiographies to works of fiction, these books provide glimpses into⁣ the lives of inspiring individuals who have ⁤made significant contributions ‍to society. It is a​ celebration of their achievements and⁤ a recognition of the importance of⁣ their voices.

The timing of this announcement, right in the midst of Scholastic’s book‌ fair ​season, adds an element of surprise and anticipation. It serves as ‍a reminder of the ongoing commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity in literature. By introducing this new category, Scholastic aims to spark conversations ​and encourage⁣ schools ⁢to actively⁢ seek ‍out these books for their students.

However, this decision by Scholastic ‌has also sparked⁤ controversy. Some argue that by making these books available only upon request, Scholastic is marginalizing the voices of LGBT authors and authors of‍ color. They argue that these books should be readily‌ accessible to all students, as they play a crucial role in promoting empathy, understanding, and acceptance.

Scholastic, on the other hand, explained ⁢that certain ⁤laws and regulations prevent them from automatically including these books ‌in their⁤ book ​fairs. By requiring schools to ​request these books, they hope to‌ navigate these legal challenges and ensure that these diverse stories reach​ as many students as ⁢possible.

Regardless of the controversy, it ‍is clear that‌ Scholastic’s⁣ new category of books is a⁤ step in the right direction⁢ towards⁢ celebrating diversity and providing students with a ⁣more ‌inclusive reading experience. By featuring the works of LGBT authors and authors of color, Scholastic not only ⁤acknowledges the ‍importance of diverse voices but also empowers students by giving them access to stories that reflect⁣ their own experiences.

In a society that is ⁤becoming increasingly diverse, it is vital that young readers are exposed to a wide range⁤ of perspectives and narratives. These books have the potential⁣ to broaden ​horizons, challenge stereotypes, and foster a sense of​ empathy and understanding among students.

Scholastic’s introduction of the “Share Every Story, Celebrate Every Voice” category is a commendable⁤ effort that deserves recognition. By actively seeking out these books⁣ and incorporating them into their curriculum, schools can create a more ‍inclusive learning environment that values and celebrates diversity. It is a step towards ensuring that every student has the opportunity to see themselves reflected in the pages of a book and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.

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