The bongino report

Attorney Harmeet Dhillon to Challenge Ronna McDaniel for RNC Chair

Attorney Harmeet Dhillon to Challenge Ronna McDaniel for RNC Chair

On Sunday, Politico reported that attorney Harmeet Dhillon is planning on challenging Ronna McDaniel for the chair of the Republican National Committee.

According to Politico, “Dhillon has been talking with fellow RNC members about a prospective run, and those close to Dhillon say a formal launch could come within the next few days.”

Dhillon did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but a Post Millennial source with knowledge of the situation has confirmed her intention to run.

Dhillon is currently an RNC committeewoman and said in a statement she said, “After three successive terms of underwhelming results at the polls for the GOP, all the while with leaders congratulating ourselves for outstanding performance, I feel that we owe it to our voters to have a serious debate about the leadership of the party and what we must change to actually win in 2024.”

Former New York Republican candidate for governor Lee Zeldin has also said he could potentially run for the roll, as has MyPillow founder Mike Lindell

The RNC chairmanship is set to be decided at the group’s annual winter meeting, where the committee’s 168 members will meet in Dana Point, California in late January.


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