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As Europe and United Kingdom Take Tough Action, Biden Admin Slow to Sanction Iran

Slow response as Iran government continues violent crackdown against anti-regime demonstrations Protesters trample upon a photograph of Iranian president Ebrahim Risi / Getty Photos

The Biden administration is lagging behind its international partners in imposing sanctions on the Iranian regime, stoking concern among advocacy groups that are pushing for a tough response to the clerical government’s violent crackdown on protesters.

According to data compiled by a watchdog group, Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union sanctioned 46 Iranian entities or individuals in December 2022. 29 of these have not been subject to similar measures by the Biden Administration. Washington Free Beacon.

Since September protests broke out, the European Union added 66 persons or entities on its sanctions list. Only 26 of these are sanctioned in the United States. 41 individuals and entities have been sanctioned by the United Kingdom. Only 20 of them are sanctioned in the United States. Canada has added 84 persons or entities to their sanction list. Only 42 are also sanctioned. Contrary to Canada and the United Kingdom, the Biden administration has not issued new sanctions since Dec. 21. Only 16 people or entities have been identified by the United States in September that were not also designated by the United Kingdom, the European Union or Canada.

The figures, compiled by United Against a Nuclear Iran (UANI) as part of the watchdog group’s Iran Human Rights Sanctions TrackerThe chart shows a gap in the speed at which the Biden administration has been naming its international allies. In hopes that the hardline government will resume diplomatic relations over a reworked 2015 nuclear agreement, the Biden administration has been on a diplomatic tightrope. But with the protests showing no sign of slowing down—and the Iranian regime becoming increasingly violent—experts say it is past time for the Biden administration to drop its diplomatic talks and get serious about isolating the leadership in Tehran.

“The White House was perhaps fearful of appearing to torpedo the Vienna talks to restore the JCPOA by designating regime leaders. But it’s time to face reality. The JCPOA is dead,” David Ibsen, UANI executive director, spoke to the Washington Free BeaconReferring to the nuclear agreement by its official

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