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Appeals Court Upholds Election Integrity Law in Florida

Florida Election Law Upheld by Appeals Court

A federal appeals court has upheld a law that adds security measures to the use of drop boxes and puts restrictions on voting by mail in Florida. The Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit reversed a lower court’s ruling that struck down the law passed by Florida’s Republican-majority legislature in 2021. The law amended Florida’s election administration rules, adding identification requirements for voting by mail, monitoring requirements for drop boxes, and limiting the locations for their use. It also added identification requirements for voter registration updates, requirements for third-party voter registration organizations, and prohibited the use of private funds for election-related expenses.

Increased Transparency and Security

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill into law on May 6, 2021, touting it as an action that would “increase transparency and strengthen the security” of Florida’s elections. However, the League of Woman Voters of Florida, a political advocacy organization, sued Florida state officials on the same day, seeking a court injunction on the law’s enforcement.

Discrimination Allegations

In 2022, District Judge Mark Walker, an Obama appointee, ruled in favor of the League of Women Voters, stating that the lawmakers showed “intent to discriminate against Black voters” and struck down most of the provisions in the law. Walker ordered that Florida officials must seek court approval for enacting any laws regarding ballot drop boxes, voter solicitation at the polls, and regulation of third-party voter registration organizations for a ten-year period upon his ruling.

Appeals Court Disagrees

The appeals court disagreed with Walker’s ruling, stating that the findings of intentional racial discrimination were not supported by the evidence. The decision is a win for Florida’s GOP lawmakers and their efforts to ensure the integrity of the state’s elections.

Key Provisions of the Law

  • Identification requirements for voting by mail (including name, address, and date of birth)
  • Monitoring requirements for drop boxes by election administrators
  • Limited locations for the use of ballot drop boxes
  • Identification requirements for voter registration updates
  • Requirements for third-party voter registration organizations
  • Prohibition of the use of private funds for election-related expenses
  • Illegal for anyone to “solicit any elector in an effort to provide assistance to vote” within 150 feet of the polling place, drop box location, or early voting site

Read More From Original Article Here: Appeals Court Upholds Election Integrity Law in Florida

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