AOC questioned during autoworkers’ strike – her vehicle choice caught attention.

Is Alexandria‌ Ocasio-Cortez Being Duplicitous or Forgetful?

There’s no real way to sugarcoat this, so ⁢here we go:

Is New ⁤York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ​willfully and maliciously duplicitous? Or ​is she ‍just plain dumb and forgetful?

Because one of those two reasons would explain why​ the rabidly pro-union Ocasio-Cortez was spotted driving​ around in a ⁤Tesla‍ electric vehicle⁣ — a car that both furthers the bottom line of her arch-nemesis Elon Musk and is decidedly not⁢ built ⁤by union⁣ workers.

When​ she⁤ appeared on‍ Saturday’s “Face the‌ Nation” on CBS⁤ News, Ocasio-Cortez was‍ asked‍ by host Margaret‌ Brennan about this seemingly⁣ contradictory choice of vehicle that flies in the face of her big⁣ promise to support ‌the ballyhooed autoworker’s strike.

You can watch the full‍ interview below:

After praising President Joe Biden’s handling of the United Auto Worker’s strike that has crippled America’s auto⁢ assembly‍ lines,⁤ Brennan actually pressed Ocasio-Cortez​ about her car.

“You‍ were quoted back in July saying⁤ you look ⁤forward to buying a union-made electric vehicle, but you currently have a non-union made Tesla,” Brennan said. “UAW already makes some electric vehicles. Why wasn’t that [the way you went]? Is it a problem with the quality? Is it a ‌problem⁣ with the style? ⁢Is the market just not there?”

“Uh, no,” Ocasio-Cortez responded.

She then launched⁣ into the sort of word salad that would make the incumbent vice president blush:

“Our car was purchased during the pandemic when travel, before a vaccine had come out, so travel between New York and Washington, the‌ safest way we had determined ⁤was an EV, but that ⁤was prior ‍to some of the new⁤ models coming out on the ⁢market that had the range available, but we’re actually looking into⁤ trading in our‍ car now.

“So, ​we’re looking into it, and hopefully we ‍will⁣ soon.”

For the congresswoman, “soon” has a bit ‌of a curious meeting.

Despite Brennan citing a ​July quote, Ocasio-Cortez had actually been ‍making remarks about ditching her Tesla ‍since ⁤at least May of last year.

So it’s been well over a calendar year since promising to ditch her car.

And while the thought of a⁢ Democrat ⁤lawmaker not coming remotely close to adhering to any ​sort of a timeline ​is hardly new, it’s ‍also⁤ worth⁣ calling out that‌ even back in May 2022, Ocasio-Cortez⁢ was parroting the same exact talking points.

“At the time, it was the only EV that could ⁢get me from New York to Washington on like one or one-and-a-half charges,” she told ‌ Bloomberg News then.

Familiarly,⁣ she ‍added: ⁢“I would ⁣love to switch.”

So which is it congresswoman?

Are you full of‌ bologna? ‌Do you not ‌actually care about the plight of auto workers ⁢as you gallivant⁤ around ​in ⁣your fanciful car?

Or are ​you the political equivalent of Dory — the goofy fish suffering from short-term memory loss​ — ‍from the “Finding Nemo” movies?

This⁢ writer ‌sadly thinks it’s more the latter, which means that Americans can ⁢fully expect⁢ Ocasio-Cortez to spew the ⁤exact same point ​about why she’s still driving a ‍Tesla ‌in another​ year.

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The post⁤ AOC Grilled While Supporting Autoworkers’ Strike -‌ Someone Noticed ‍What She’s Driving appeared first on The Western Journal.

Does Ocasio-Cortez’s choice to drive a non-union made Tesla contradict her claims of being a champion for union workers?

Are about the union workers⁤ and their rights? Or ⁢are you simply forgetful and unable to follow through on your promises?

The fact ⁢remains that Ocasio-Cortez, who claims to be a ⁣champion for union workers, was driving around in a non-union⁤ made Tesla. This contradiction raises serious‍ questions about her ‍commitment to the cause she so vehemently supports.

When confronted about her ⁢choice​ of vehicle during an interview⁤ on ⁤”Face the Nation,”⁣ Ocasio-Cortez failed​ to ​provide a clear ⁣and coherent explanation.​ Instead, she stumbled ⁤through a convoluted ⁢response that ⁣lacked substance.

Her excuse? She claimed that her car was purchased during the ⁣pandemic when travel​ between New York and Washington was deemed safer‍ in ‍an electric vehicle. However, this explanation⁢ falls flat when considering that Ocasio-Cortez had been⁤ talking about ‌ditching her Tesla since at‌ least May ⁣of the previous year.

It’s apparent that Ocasio-Cortez’s statements do not​ align with her actions. Despite⁣ claiming to ⁢be looking into trading in her car,‍ she has failed to follow through on this ‌promise for over a year. This raises doubts about ⁤her sincerity and commitment to supporting union⁢ workers.

Furthermore, even when she first made these ⁤remarks in ⁤May 2022, Ocasio-Cortez was already parroting ⁢the same​ talking points. She claimed that at the time, ​the Tesla was the only electric vehicle that could get⁣ her⁣ from New York to‌ Washington on one or one-and-a-half charges. However, this excuse becomes less convincing⁢ as more electric vehicle models with ⁢greater range become available on the market.

It is important to hold ‌our elected officials ⁤accountable ⁢for their actions and their words. Ocasio-Cortez’s failure to fulfill her promises raises questions about her integrity and reliability. How can we trust someone who makes‍ bold claims​ but fails to follow through?

Whether Ocasio-Cortez is being intentionally duplicitous or simply forgetful, her actions undermine her credibility as a representative for union workers. It⁢ is essential that we have leaders who‍ not‌ only talk the talk but also walk the walk.

In conclusion, Ocasio-Cortez’s decision to drive a non-union made Tesla raises questions about her commitment to supporting union workers. Her failure to provide a satisfactory explanation and her apparent lack⁢ of action in following through on her promises cast doubt on her sincerity and integrity. As constituents, we deserve elected officials who uphold their commitments and⁤ act in the best interests of those they represent.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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