Antifa-Insurgence Leader John Sullivan Speaks Out in Infowars Interview: Biden’s Victory Is ‘Fishy,’ Massive Support For Trump ‘Speaks For Itself’ (Video)

Antifa insurgence leader John Sullivan joined Owen Shroyer on the War Room on Infowars this week.

Antifa-insurgence leader John Sullivan argued that Joe Biden’s support amongst the American public conspicuously pales in comparison to the organic, roaring support Donald Trump amassed around the country, proving “there is definitely something fishy” about Biden’s unprecedented victory.

Sullivan joined Infowars host Owen Shroyer on Tuesday for an in-depth discussion about “how the left and right can unify to defeat the establishment’s globalist agenda for humanity.”

The 26-year old founder of Insurgence USA, a social justice group organized after the death of George Floyd, supports neither political party or presidential candidate. But evidence that the election was stolen from Trump is glaringly apparent because there was no organic support for Biden, Sullivan argues.

“I saw a lot of Trump rallies starting to pop up across the nation, I saw the support that he was getting. But I didn’t see really any of the support that Biden was getting. I see no rallies for Biden,” he said.

“You don’t see Biden rallies with Biden 2020 signs flags popping up all over the US. You see a lot of Trump rallies and Trump 2020 rallies. So that does speak for itself,” he continued. “That does speak for something – that people are willing to go out and advocate for something that they believe in.”

In footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit earlier this month, Sullivan admits he purchased a Trump hat to embed himself among “Stop the Steal” protesters.


Sullivan was also seen in the video encouraging violent rioters inside and around the Capitol Building as he damaged federal property. The mayhem left at least five people dead, including Air Force veteran Ashi Babbit who Sullivan filmed getting shot and killed.

Shortly after the footage was published, Sullivan was arrested by the FBI.

Prior to the Capitol siege, Sullivan gave a speech calling on a crowd of protesters to “fucking rip Trump” out of the White House.

“We out there ready to burn that shit down,” he proclaimed. “We got to fucking rip Trump out of that office right over there. We got to fucking pull him out that shit. We are about to get that motherfucker.”

Despite Sullivan’s intent to rip Trump out of office, he agrees with Trump supporters on at least one issue: the 2020 election was a sham.

“There is definitely something kind of fishy to say that Biden got all of these votes when Trump had all of these people out there protesting,” he argued. “I believe that [Biden] won in the sense that that’s what came through the system, right? That came through the ballot machines. That’s what counted. Do I think that there could have been some kind, some sort of miscount or rigging? Yes, I do.”

Sullivan was released without bail on Jan. 15. A federal judge in Utah said prosecutors failed to meet the legal threshold to keep him in custody as he awaits further court proceedings.

For his actions on Jan. 6, he faces federal charges of civil disorder, entering a restricted building or grounds, and violent entry or disorderly conduct. He is required to stay off of social media, surrender his passport, be on house arrest and is prohibited from possessing firearms. He was also mandated to stop working for the Insurgence USA.

Establishment politicians are truly to blame for sowing division in America, he contends.

“They have the utmost responsibility to unite the country and keep what our founding fathers had intact. They are pulling that apart. It’s kind of sad they won’t shift the blame to anybody but themselves,” he said. “We have to hold them accountable and make sure they are doing they are what they say they supposed to do – what we voted them in office to do. And some people say, well, they didn’t vote them into office –that’s an issue as well. We have to hold every single person responsible for leading our nation into this point of darkness.”

The post Antifa-Insurgence Leader John Sullivan Speaks Out in Infowars Interview: Biden’s Victory Is ‘Fishy,’ Massive Support For Trump ‘Speaks For Itself’ (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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