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Woman convicted of killing NYPD officer in drunk hit-and-run receives prison sentence

A ‌New York City Woman Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison for Killing NYPD Officer

A New York City woman who live-streamed herself ‌ranting against police hours before ⁢she drunkenly struck and killed an NYPD⁤ officer in 2021 was sentenced to at ⁢least 22 years in prison‍ on Wednesday.

Jessica ⁢Beauvais, 34, was⁢ convicted of manslaughter in the fatal hit-and-run of Anastasios Tsakos, a 14-year NYPD veteran and father of two. After Tsakos’ widow, Irene, tearfully pled with Queens Supreme Court Justice Michael Aloysed for justice on Wednesday, he sentenced ‍Beauvais to 20 years in prison for aggravated manslaughter and between two and ⁤seven years for ⁢leaving the‍ scene of ‍an accident, the New York Post‌ reported. Beauvais’ sentences​ will run consecutively.

“As ⁣Jessica Beauvais‍ was sobering up in a police⁢ station that morning, our ​world was collapsing,” Irene Tsakos‍ said. “Because of a single person’s despicable ​actions, our family was sentenced to ⁢a lifetime of loss.”

Tsakos was‌ struck by Beauvais while investigating⁤ an accident⁢ and directing traffic on the Long​ Island Expressway in the early morning ‌hours of April 27, 2021. Hours earlier, the woman posted a Facebook stream where she discussed the⁢ trial of Minneapolis⁢ police officer Derek Chauvin.

“This​ week we are going to talk⁤ about⁢ the ignorance that was the⁤ Derek Chauvin trial — or the ignorance that ⁣is ‌essentially just is this f***ing justice system.” She​ also​ played the song “F*** Tha ‌Police” by NWA. She added, “Like NWA say about the police – if you’re going to kill me,⁣ at least⁢ I get to take someone with me. I’m ‌one of those people. If I’m ​going to go, someone is coming.”

The Daily Mail⁤ reported that Beauvais was seen vaping and drinking during the video, and police said that⁣ she later confessed to downing vodka, wine, and ​smoking weed ‌before the deadly hit-and-run. She was found to be high on drugs and her ​blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit at the ⁢time of​ the⁤ hit-and-run.

Before Beauvais was convicted in ⁤October, prosecutors described in detail the gruesome crash that​ killed Tsakos.

“His organs and bones were crushed,” Assistant District ⁣Attorney Greg Lasak Jr. told ⁣the jury, according to the Post. “His leg was amputated. He landed 171⁢ feet from impact.”


“She​ left him there on the ​side of the road to die, without ‍his leg,” he added.

Asked⁤ by the judge​ if she‍ wanted to say anything before he handed down his sentence, Beauvais simply said, “I’m sorry,” CBS News reported. Beauvais had ​previously rejected a plea deal that ‍would have ‌sent her to prison for 16 years.

“My children ‌don’t understand the⁣ permanence of​ death,” ⁢Irene Tsakos added before a courtroom⁢ filled with NYPD ⁤officers. “They were trying to figure out ways to bring him ⁣back somehow. Our son wanted me to get ⁤him a big kite so he could fly it high in the sky so his daddy could grab⁢ onto ‌it and bring him back.‌ He cried ​daily ’cause Daddy would never hold him again. He was only 3 years old.”

“Our 6-year-old daughter is a ⁣daddy’s girl,” she continued. “At night ​she would pray and promise to be very good if only he ‍would ​bring her daddy back.”

Hank Berrien contributed to this report.

What were the consequences of Jessica Beauvais’ reckless and dangerous behavior, both in terms of her sentence and the impact on the ⁤Tsakos family and the NYPD

A New York City woman, Jessica Beauvais, has been sentenced to ‍at least 22⁢ years in⁢ prison for killing a New York ​City Police Department (NYPD) officer. Beauvais⁤ live-streamed herself ranting​ against the ⁢police just ⁣hours ​before she ⁢drunkenly struck and killed NYPD⁢ officer Anastasios Tsakos in 2021. ⁣The ⁤incident occurred⁣ while‌ Tsakos was investigating an accident and ⁢directing traffic⁤ on the Long Island Expressway in the early morning hours ⁢of April⁣ 27, 2021.

After Tsakos’ ‍widow, ⁢Irene, ‍emotionally pleaded for justice, Queens⁤ Supreme Court Justice Michael Aloysed sentenced Beauvais to 20 years in⁢ prison for aggravated manslaughter and an additional two to seven years for leaving the scene of the ‌accident. ⁢These sentences will⁢ be served consecutively.

During‌ the trial, Irene Tsakos expressed⁣ the devastating impact that Beauvais’ actions had on their family. ⁣She described how their⁤ world collapsed ⁤while Beauvais was sobering up in a police‍ station that morning. Irene Tsakos stated, “Because of a single person’s despicable actions, our family was sentenced to a lifetime of loss.”

The events leading up ​to the fatal hit-and-run had​ been captured on a Facebook live stream posted by Beauvais. In the video, she discussed ‌the trial of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin and expressed her disdain for the justice system. Beauvais also played the song “F*** Tha Police” by‌ NWA and ⁢made provocative ​statements such as, “If you’re going⁣ to kill me, at least I get to take someone with me. I’m one of those people. If I’m ⁢going to go, someone is coming.”

According to reports, Beauvais ⁣was seen vaping and drinking during the video. She later confessed to consuming vodka, wine, and marijuana before the deadly ⁤hit-and-run. Toxicology tests ⁣revealed ⁤that Beauvais was under​ the influence of drugs, and ⁣her blood alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit at​ the⁤ time of the incident.

The sentence handed down to Jessica Beauvais sends a strong message about the ‍consequences of reckless and dangerous behavior. It ​serves as a reminder that actions have repercussions, ⁣especially when they result in ​the loss‌ of a law enforcement officer’s life. The tragedy suffered by the Tsakos family highlights the ⁤devastating ​toll ⁣that such incidents have on loved ones left behind.

As we reflect ⁢on this case, it ‍is essential to recognize‍ the sacrifices made by the men and women ⁢of law enforcement⁣ who put their lives on the ⁣line every day to protect ‍our communities. It is incumbent upon all of us to support and respect those who serve,⁤ ensuring a safer‍ and more harmonious society.

The sentencing ‌of Jessica Beauvais serves as a solemn ⁤reminder of the need for ⁤accountability and responsibility. It is a tragic⁣ event that has left a lasting impact on both the Tsakos family and the NYPD. May the memory⁤ of Detective Anastasios Tsakos⁣ live‍ on as ⁢a reminder of the sacrifices‌ made by the brave men and women ⁢in uniform and the importance of upholding the rule​ of law.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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