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Another Media Downsize: NPR to Fire 10 Percent of Employees

NPR has decided to reduce its staff by 10 percent due to falling advertising profits. Announced Wednesday: Join outlets such as the Washington PostVox Media, and Buzzfeed These companies have recently announced significant layoffs.

Around 100 employees will be affected by the layoffs due to a $30 million revenue loss. “We’re not seeing signs of a recovery in the advertising market,” John Lansing, CEO of the company, said that he plans to announce the jobs being axed by March 31st.

He updated the company’s financial outlook “has darkened considerably over recent weeks.”

As economic volatility and inflation push advertisers to tighten their marketing budgets, layoffs continue to affect media and tech companies. Meta Announcement It will be firing thousands of employees Wednesday

The subscriptions of left-leaning outlets continue to plummet after Donald Trump’s resignation. The Washington PostHalf a Million subscribers have been lost by, which fired 20 reporters last month Since President Joe Biden took office. CNN Discontinued Buzzfeed laid off around 180 employees in December and Vox fired 130 employees in January.

Lansing assured that NPR would not be losing millions of dollars and will fire employees despite this.

You won’t get any cuts “disproportionately impact people of color or any other historically marginalized group,” The CEO stated this in an email.

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