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Aliens Could Exist On Exoplanets’ ‘Terminator Zone,’ Researchers Say

Extraterrestrial beings might be hiding on distant planets, which may have an a “terminator zone,” Researchers speculate that there may be a habitable region at the transition of the non-rotating worlds’ warm, day side with the cold, night side.

That “terminator zone” It would have liquid water, which is vital for life. University of California Irvine Astronomers discovered exoplanets with such liquid water. “terminator zones.”

“These planets have a permanent day side and a permanent night side,” Ana Lobo, the researcher, said. “This is a planet where the dayside can be scorching hot, well beyond habitability, and the night side is going to be freezing, potentially covered in ice. You could have large glaciers on the night side.”

“You want a planet that’s in the sweet spot of just the right temperature for having liquid water,” She opined.  “We are trying to draw attention to more water-limited planets, which despite not having widespread oceans, could have lakes or other smaller bodies of liquid water, and these climates could actually be very promising.”

Lobo stated that such planets are common because they have 70% of M dwarf stars nearby, which we can see at nights.

The difference in temperature between the warm and cold sides of the planet can cause constant winds to the Terminator Zones.  If the planet is mostly covered by water, it will see the water evaporate. But land reduces the effect.

UCI researchers performed modeling using a 3D global temperature model “to determine whether it is possible to sustain a temperature gradient large enough for a terminator habitability scenario, and to explore the implications of terminator habitability for future climate characterization studies,” According to the study.

“It is not our goal to precisely quantify the habitable-zone edge, given that its location is dependent on a large range of properties, including planetary radius and surface gravity among many other factors but rather to explore the mechanisms through which the atmosphere responds to increased stellar flux, including changes in the radiative budget and atmospheric energy transport, in order to determine the viability of these surface climate configurations,” They were also added.

“Ana has shown if there’s a lot of land on the planet, the scenario we call ‘terminator habitability’ can exist a lot more easily,” Lobo’s UCI colleague Aomawa Shields was excited. “These new and exotic habitability states our team is uncovering are no longer the stuff of science fiction — Ana has done the work to show that such states can be climatically stable.”

“From Aliens Could Exist On Exoplanets’ ‘Terminator Zone,’ Researchers Say

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