Alex Jones’s Infowars will be shut down and sold, court trustee says – Washington Examiner

Alex ​Jones’s media platform, Infowars, is set to be closed and ⁣liquidated, as announced by a bankruptcy court ⁤trustee. The ​trustee, Christopher⁣ Murray, filed‍ an emergency motion to ‍this effect, detailing plans to cease operations and sell off the company’s inventory.⁣ The ​process and timelines for the liquidation were not specified in the details available.‌ Additionally, the trustee has requested ⁤the U.S. Bankruptcy​ Judge, Christopher Lopez, to stop any⁣ efforts by families of Sandy Hook victims to seize ⁢the company’s assets, though specific details on this‌ aspect​ remain⁢ incomplete in the extracted text.

Alex Jones’s outlet Infowars will be shut down and sold off, a bankruptcy court trustee said.

In an “emergency” motion filed Sunday in a Houston court, trustee Christopher Murray said he has been “planning to wind-up [Free Speech Systems’s] operations and liquidate its inventory.” He did not give a timeline for the liquidation.

According to the Associated Press, Murray asked U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez to halt efforts by families of the victims of the Sandy Hook mass shooting to collect the amount owed to them by Jones, arguing that such efforts would derail efforts to close Infowars’s parent company, Free Speech Systems. Much of the proceeds through this closure and sell-off would go to the families.

Jones owes $1.5 billion in lawsuit judgments for consistently calling the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting a hoax.

Alex Jones speaks to the media after arriving at the federal courthouse for a hearing in front of a bankruptcy judge, June 14, 2024, in Houston. A U.S. bankruptcy court trustee is planning to shut down Jones’s Infowars media platform and liquidate its assets to help pay the $1.5 billion in lawsuit judgments Jones owes for repeatedly calling the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting a hoax. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, file)

“The specter of a pell-mell seizure of FSS’s assets, including its cash, threatens to throw the business into chaos, potentially stopping it in its tracks, to the detriment” of the personal bankruptcy case, Murray wrote.

“The Trustee seeks this Court’s intervention to prevent a value-destructive money grab and allow an orderly process to take its course,” he added.

The emergency motion was put forward after Judge Maya Guerra Gamble approved an effort from one of the families to force the transfer of certain assets away from FSS.


Christopher Mattei, a lawyer for the Sandy Hook families, said that the families supported the motion from the trustee, adding that they were disappointed in the motion filed by one of the families, arguing that it would “undercut” a fair distribution of assets to all the families.

“This is precisely the unfortunate situation that the Connecticut families hoped to avoid,” Mattei said.

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