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Alabama County reinstates mask mandates for government buildings.

An official in Dallas County, Alabama,⁢ said the county re-implemented a mask mandate in county buildings that are open to the public, an indicator that mask mandates⁣ may return en masse across the‍ United States.

Probate Judge Jimmy Nunn stated this week that the​ policy was‌ instated due ‌to a reported​ increase in COVID-19 cases nationally and ⁢locally. There have also been​ isolated COVID-19 cases in county buildings,‌ he claimed, according to a local media outlet WAKA-TV.

“At this point in time it is only being ‍taken effect in the government buildings that the public come into. And that will be the ⁣three buildings that we have. The ⁣courthouse,​ the annex ⁤and the ⁣administrative building. These three buildings in which the public come in and we provide services to the public,” ‍said Mr. Nunn, without providing more details.

The risk⁢ of contracting COVID-19 in Dallas⁢ County, which is located in ‍central Alabama and has the county seat of Selma, is currently considered relatively “low,” according to data ⁤ from the Covid Act ⁣Now nonprofit and tracker. As of Friday, the⁢ data showed that​ there were ⁣6.6 weekly hospital admissions with COVID-19 per 100,000, while 1 percent of hospital beds are occupied by COVID-19 patients.

The Epoch Times contacted Dallas County for additional comment.

Other Mandates

Last month, at least one school district in Alabama mandated⁣ masks. Officials⁢ at the Kinterbish Junior High School in Cuba, Alabama, released a message on social media saying that “due to the slow raise [sic] of COVID cases in the area, students,⁤ employees, and visitors are ⁢asked to wear facial masks.” It did not say for how⁣ long it would remain intact.

The‍ Talladega ⁢City Schools said via Facebook that masking is being encouraged among staff members and students. Face coverings are⁤ not required, it said in a subsequent post⁢ that attempted to clarify the matter.

Several public school districts in Kentucky and Texas have also canceled classes after COVID-19 cases led to reported widespread‌ student absences in ​recent weeks.

“We’re seeing a‍ lot of illness being reported ​consistent with COVID and influenza,”‍ Scott Lockard, public ​health director for the Kentucky River District told⁤ ABC News last month. “Lee County had a⁢ surge of cases and attendance dropped⁤ below​ the threshold needed to stay open, so they closed.”

In neighboring Georgia, a small Atlanta college last month implemented a mask mandate for two weeks. In an update to media outlets, Morris Brown College’s‌ president confirmed ‌on Sunday​ that the rule ended.

Students and parents arrive masked for the first day of the school year at Grant ⁣Elementary School in Los Angeles, Calif., on Aug. 16, 2021. (Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images)

More controversially, a school in Silver Spring, Maryland, announced it would require masks for a kindergarten class, including students and teachers, after several students tested positive for COVID-19.

“Additional KN95 masks have been distributed and students‌ and staff in identified classes or activities will be required to mask while in school for​ the next 10 days, except​ while eating or drinking,” Rosemary⁢ Hills School Principal Rebecca Irwin ⁣Kennedy said in a letter, dated Sept. 5, announcing the mandate.

Elsewhere in the United States, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said last week that the state would be giving schools more masks and COVID-19 tests.⁢ Districts need ‌to review the Centers for Disease Control‌ and Prevention’s guidance, she added, for​ COVID-19 and schools, which doesn’t currently mandate masks.

As mandates⁣ return in⁣ some places, ⁢several top Republicans said that Americans should not comply or would not be bringing the rules back. On Thursday, for example, Florida ‍Gov. ⁣Ron DeSantis appeared in a news conference, where ⁢he ‍decried the​ mandates at schools and promised that Florida ⁤wouldn’t be following suit.

“As we see thes

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