After Election Firm CEO’s Arrest, Republicans Push to Terminate Contract With Georgia County

ATLANTA, Ga.—Local Republicans in Atlanta were tarred last month as “election deniers” and “conspiracy theorists” for expressing concerns about Konnech, an election subcontractor with alleged Chinese links.

The DeKalb County Elections Board disregarded the concerns and finalized a contract with Konnech.

But in a stunning turn of events, the company’s CEO Eugene Yu was arrested by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office earlier this week for allegedly storing the data of Los Angeles County elections workers in China in violation of its contract with the county.

Now, DeKalb County’s Republican Chairwoman Marci McCarthy is requesting the county Elections Board to terminate its contract with Konnech.

“The DeKalb Board of Elections is exposing County taxpayers to extraordinary legal risk and financial liability if they cannot enforce the terms of the contract with Konnech—which guarantees that Konnech stores the data in the Continental United States in a certified Microsoft Azure hosting facility,” McCarthy said in a letter to the five-member board.

“If Personal Identifiable Information (PII) belonging to election staff and poll workers has been or could be transferred to China, as alleged in California, the risk and cost of a class action lawsuit could be devastating to DeKalb County finances. This represents a clear, avoidable, and unnecessary risk to DeKalb County.”

Dekalb County GOP Chairman Marci McCarthy speaks at an election-night event in Atlanta on May 24, 2022. (Megan Varner/Getty Images)

The Elections Board was assessing the situation and waiting for more information before acting, a spokesman told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Wednesday. The board did not respond to a request for comment by The Epoch Times.

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon, one of the nation’s most leftist prosecutors, said in a press release that the case against Konnech does not involve voter or elections fraud. The District Attorney’s

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