Progressive Barbie Box Typo Mocks Those It Honors

Typo on Progressive New Barbie Box Mocks ⁢the Very People ​It’s Supposed to Honor

Mattel⁢ is⁣ facing criticism for its latest Barbie doll tribute to Wilma ⁢Mankiller, America’s first female Cherokee tribal chief. The doll, part of Mattel’s Inspiring Women series, features Mankiller in ⁣a ​turquoise dress adorned with⁢ Cherokee colors. However, the doll’s box contains a glaring​ typo that ⁢has⁢ sparked controversy.

Mattel ⁣has ⁢been ⁣using ⁢its Barbie line to highlight various woke topics⁣ and personalities, including⁢ transgender, lesbian, and‍ minority dolls. The ⁤company had a successful year‌ with⁤ a woke Barbie movie and announced a special ceremony to unveil the Mankiller doll in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

Wilma Mankiller ⁣was​ a groundbreaking leader for ⁣Native Americans, advocating for healthcare, improving conditions, and ⁢restoring pride in ‌Cherokee history. She received the Presidential Medal ‍of Freedom in 1998. However, some critics argue⁢ that the Barbie doll does not accurately represent Mankiller, with complaints about⁤ its appearance and lack of traditional elements.

Furthermore, the‌ doll’s box contains ​a ⁢Cherokee symbol that actually ⁣translates to “chicken” in the Cherokee ⁤language, instead of “Cherokee.” The Cherokee Nation‍ expressed ⁢disappointment that Mattel ‍did not consult with their design and⁣ communications​ team to ensure accuracy.

Mattel spokesperson Devin Tucker acknowledged the mistake and stated that the company is discussing options to rectify ‍the issue.⁤ Additionally, Mattel is⁢ facing backlash‍ for not involving Mankiller’s daughter, Felicia Olaya, ‌in ⁢the ⁣production and ⁤design process of the doll.

Despite the controversy, some see the​ overall effect as positive,⁣ envisioning their granddaughters playing with a Wilma Mankiller Barbie. However, ‌it remains​ to ⁤be seen how this misstep will impact‌ Mattel’s reputation and the success of ⁣their ​woke⁤ Barbie line.

The ⁣post ​ Typo on Progressive ‌New Barbie Box Mocks ​the Very People It’s Supposed to Honor appeared first on The Western Journal.

How did the misspelling of Wilma Mankiller’s name ​on the Barbie doll packaging undermine the purpose of honoring her ‌achievements and⁣ contributions?

Dation‍ and The Cherokee ‌Nation Foundation on November 5th in Tahlequah, OK. ⁢Public unveiling will take place at the Tahlequah Community Building at 3pm. Wilma Mankiller’s family and special guests will be in⁢ attendance.

However, it was revealed that the box of the Wilma Mankiller Barbie⁢ doll contains a typo, misspelling her name as “ManKiller” instead of the correct “Mankiller.” ⁤This mistake has been seen as deeply disrespectful and offensive to the memory and legacy of Wilma Mankiller and the Cherokee ‍people. ⁤It is⁢ especially ironic considering that the doll is meant to ‌honor the achievements and contributions of Mankiller as a pioneering Native American leader.

The mistake not only shows⁣ a lack of attention to detail but also a lack of‍ cultural sensitivity and understanding. For a company like Mattel, which has made efforts ​to promote diversity and inclusivity through their Barbie line, this ⁢oversight is a significant misstep. It undermines the very purpose of‍ the Inspiring Women series, which​ aims ‍to celebrate and empower women who⁣ have made important contributions to society.

Many people took to social media to voice their criticism and ‌disappointment. They ⁢pointed out that this mistake reinforces harmful stereotypes and perpetuates the erasure of Native American culture ⁣and heritage. It is a prime example of cultural appropriation, as the doll and its packaging inaccurately represent a significant figure in Native American history.

Mattel has since apologized for the error, stating that it was⁤ an unintentional ‌mistake and that they‍ are working to ​rectify the issue. They have also mentioned that they will ⁤be taking steps to ensure that this type of mistake does not happen again in the future.

However, ‍the damage has already been done. The typo on the box has drawn attention‌ away from the intended purpose ⁣of the doll and has overshadowed the celebration‍ of⁣ Wilma Mankiller’s achievements. It is a painful reminder of the ongoing marginalization and‌ disrespect faced by‌ Native American communities.

This incident serves ⁣as a reminder of the importance of ​cultural sensitivity and accuracy. ‍Companies and individuals should take the time to educate ⁤themselves about different ​cultures and⁤ communities, and exercise care and respect when representing them. Otherwise,​ well-intentioned gestures ⁤can easily⁣ become objects of mockery and offense.

Furthermore, this incident raises questions about how companies like Mattel approach diversity and inclusivity. While they may make efforts to include underrepresented groups, it is crucial that those efforts are⁤ conducted with proper research, understanding, and consultation with the respective communities. Otherwise, these initiatives run the risk of perpetuating harmful ⁣stereotypes and further marginalizing those they are supposed to uplift.

In conclusion, ​the typo on the Wilma Mankiller Barbie box is not just a ⁤simple mistake, but a glaring example of cultural insensitivity and disrespect. Mattel​ should use this incident as an ‌opportunity to reflect on their practices and ensure that they ⁤are truly promoting inclusivity and ​respect for all cultures and communities. Wilma Mankiller’s⁢ legacy deserves to be honored with accuracy and dignity, and it is essential that companies take the necessary steps to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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