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Scholastic criticized for excluding diverse books from school fairs.

Scholastic ⁢Faces Backlash for Excluding Gender and ‍Raced-Themed​ ‘Diverse’ Books from Elementary School Fairs

Scholastic,⁤ the renowned publisher, is under fire from far-left authors after making the controversial decision to not‌ offer books⁢ focusing on LGBT themes⁤ and racism‌ at school book ‌fairs. These fairs, which have ⁣become ⁣a beloved tradition in American schools,⁢ provide students with the excitement of discovering both classic and new stories.

However, ‌with the left promoting divisive and⁤ confusing literature and ideas to young people, many states‍ have taken action ‌to protect⁣ students.‍ For ‍instance, in Florida, elementary schools are not allowed ‍to have literature​ that imposes sexuality on children or teaches them that America⁤ is inherently ⁣racist.

In response to the controversy, Scholastic issued a ‍statement on ⁢its website, notifying school districts‍ that ⁢they ⁣would need to opt into a catalog ‌of books in order to⁢ receive⁢ shipments of “diverse titles.” The publisher⁤ attributed this decision to the existence of state laws⁤ that prohibit certain types of books in ⁢schools, particularly those related to LGBTQIA+⁢ themes⁣ and racism.

Scholastic explained that these laws put them in a‍ difficult position, as their book fairs are held ⁤in schools where students can purchase books independently. The company stated that complying with these laws would risk the jobs and legal safety ⁣of‌ teachers, librarians, and volunteers.

To⁣ address ​the issue, Scholastic created a collection of books called ⁣”Share Every⁢ Story, Celebrate⁢ Every Voice” that school ‍districts ​could order upon request. This collection includes 64 different books, ​featuring authors ​such as ‌Colin‍ Kaepernick and ⁤other far-left sex and gender activists.

However,​ this​ decision has ⁢sparked outrage among authors like Amanda Gorman, who criticized Scholastic for self-censoring books predominantly written by⁢ queer, disabled, ⁢Black, and brown authors. Gorman argued that this approach does not truly share diverse stories but instead treats them as separate⁤ and unequal.

Despite the backlash, Scholastic ⁢defended its decision,⁤ stating that finding a solution that pleases everyone is challenging. The company emphasized that ⁣their book fairs still offer a wide range of diverse titles for all age levels.

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The post Scholastic Draws ​Heat for Excluding Gender, Raced-Themed ‘Diverse’ ​Books from Elementary School Fairs appeared first on The Western Journal.

How can the exclusion⁢ of these books be seen as a responsible approach that ​takes‌ into account the different regulations and sensitivities ‌of the educational environment?

N request. These ⁢books​ would include a variety of topics and perspectives, promoting inclusivity without violating state laws. Scholastic emphasized that they ⁢remain committed to providing students with a‍ wide range of quality literature and promoting diversity and representation in their offerings.

Despite the rationale provided by Scholastic, many far-left authors and activists have criticized the publisher for what‌ they⁤ perceive as an exclusionary and discriminatory⁢ practice. They argue that by not ⁤including gender and race-themed books at school​ book fairs, Scholastic is sending a⁣ message that such topics are not important or worthy of discussion.⁢ They claim that by avoiding these ‍topics, Scholastic is perpetuating ignorance and stifling the voices of ‌marginalized communities.

However, it⁣ is important to consider the context ⁢in which Scholastic​ made this decision. ⁢State laws exist for ⁤a reason, aiming to protect ⁢young ⁢minds from being exposed to ⁢inappropriate or controversial content before they are ready. It is not⁤ about censorship,⁤ but rather about⁣ age-appropriate education and ensuring ⁤that children‍ are not subjected to concepts that they may not fully grasp or comprehend.

Furthermore, it is​ essential to recognize that children’s ⁣books should ⁢be age-appropriate and reflective of the values and preferences of the communities they serve. Different regions ‌may have⁤ different‌ cultural, religious,‌ and⁢ societal norms that influence what is considered appropriate for ‍children. Scholastic’s decision to adhere to⁤ these laws can be seen ‍as a way ⁤to respect the diverse⁣ beliefs and values ‌of the communities‌ in which they operate.

While the exclusion of gender⁢ and race-themed books from school book fairs may disappoint some, it ⁢should not be viewed​ as an attack‍ on diversity or an attempt‍ to suppress important ‌conversations. Instead, it is a ‍responsible approach that takes into account the different regulations and sensitivities of the educational environment. Scholastic recognizes that there is a time and‍ place for discussing these topics, and it is up to parents, ‍teachers, and educational institutions ‍to provide appropriate resources ​and​ platforms for ‌these conversations to take place.

In conclusion, Scholastic’s decision to exclude⁣ gender and race-themed books from elementary school⁣ fairs is not ⁤a malicious act but rather a response to state ⁤laws and the need to respect the values and⁤ beliefs of different communities. It ⁢is⁢ essential to consider the context and rationale behind this decision rather than ⁢jumping to conclusions and criticizing the publisher without fully⁣ understanding the complexities involved. ⁣Ultimately, ⁣it is crucial ​to strike a balance between promoting inclusivity and catering to age-appropriate educational experiences for children.

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