Conservative News Daily

Trump believes he knows who Biden’s ‘boss’ is, claiming Joe lacks the intelligence for such matters.

Is There a Conspiracy Behind Biden’s Leadership?

Many ⁣in the establishment media equate “conservative theory” with “conspiracy theory.” But former President ⁤Donald Trump⁣ is not backing down⁣ from his belief that Joe Biden is ⁤not in charge. ​In fact, he suggests ‌that Biden’s ⁢boss‍ is⁣ none other than Barack Obama. While some ⁢may dismiss this ⁣as a conspiracy ‍theory, there are⁢ valid concerns about⁢ Biden’s mental health ⁣and ability to lead.

Trump’s claims gained traction ‌after an interview with Obama went‍ viral in conservative circles. In the interview, Obama hinted that he wouldn’t mind being a puppeteer, controlling the⁤ presidency​ from behind ‌the scenes. This statement only fueled suspicions ⁣about who is​ really pulling the strings in the Biden administration.

Trump is not alone ‍in his doubts about Biden’s capabilities. A significant number of Americans, regardless of their political affiliation, share ‌concerns about Biden’s mental ‌fitness. Retired admirals and generals have even raised ⁤questions​ about who ​is truly in charge.

Recent polls indicate that a majority of ⁤Americans worry about Biden’s mental health and believe he is too old for a ⁣second term. The⁣ world has become increasingly ‍unstable since Biden took ⁤office, with conflicts in Ukraine‍ and Israel, rising inflation, an open border, and other pressing ⁣issues.

These circumstances have led many to‌ question what is really going on. Are Democrats simply incompetent, or is there⁤ a ‍deliberate effort to undermine the country? Some‍ even speculate that globalists have brainwashed leftist politicians‍ into doing their bidding.

When things don’t add ‍up, it’s only‍ natural for ⁢people to ‍seek answers. However,⁣ the left often dismisses any alternative theories as “conspiracy theories” until proven true. But history has⁣ shown that what may ‌initially be ‌labeled ⁤as a⁤ conspiracy can‍ turn out to​ be‍ the truth.

Take, for example, the dismissal​ of Hunter Biden’s ⁢laptop‍ as a‍ conspiracy or the initial denial that COVID-19 could have leaked from a lab. Sometimes,⁢ theories that challenge ‌the mainstream ⁤narrative deserve ⁤further investigation.

While Trump’s theory‌ about Obama’s influence on Biden may⁤ or ⁤may not ⁢be accurate, it is essential‍ to address the concerns about​ Biden’s leadership. The stakes are too high to ignore ‍the possibility that something is amiss. If Biden truly is⁣ running the show, then urgent action is needed to prevent further damage.

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The post‌ Trump Thinks He Knows Who Biden’s ‘Boss’​ Is: Joe’s‌ Not ‘Smart Enough ⁢to ⁢Be ​Doing This ​Stuff’ appeared first on ⁢ The Western Journal.

What evidence supports or challenges the notion that‍ Biden is merely a figurehead?

Ly going on in the Biden administration. Some suggest that Biden is merely⁤ a figurehead, ⁣while others believe there is a larger agenda at play. Regardless of whether these theories are true or ‌not, it is important to examine the evidence and evaluate Biden’s‍ leadership based on his actions and decisions.

One‍ of the main concerns about Biden’s leadership is his mental health. Throughout his campaign, there were numerous instances where Biden appeared confused, stumbled over his words, or forgot important details. While some may argue that this is⁣ simply a product of being​ under pressure, others believe it is indicative ‌of a more serious issue.

It is important to note that Biden has released ‍his medical records, which state that he is in good health. However, mental health ⁣can be a complex issue that may not always be ⁣accurately reflected in medical records. The American people have⁢ the right to know if their leader is mentally fit to make important decisions on their behalf.

Another concern is ⁤Biden’s ability to effectively lead. The world is facing numerous challenges, from ​the ‍COVID-19 pandemic to‍ climate change to economic instability.​ It⁤ is crucial that the ⁢leader of the‍ free world is capable of addressing these issues and providing effective solutions.

Some argue that Biden’s policies and decisions have been questionable at best. For example, his decision‍ to cancel⁣ the Keystone XL pipeline has resulted in job losses and a strain on‌ energy resources. In addition,⁤ his handling⁤ of the situation ⁤at the southern⁣ border has been criticized for creating a humanitarian ​crisis.

These concerns about Biden’s leadership have ​given rise‌ to theories of a larger conspiracy at play. Some ‍believe that Biden is merely a puppet, with someone else pulling the strings behind the scenes. While there‍ is no concrete evidence to support these claims, the fact that they exist and are gaining ⁢traction among a significant portion of the population ⁢is concerning.

Regardless of whether there ​is a conspiracy behind Biden’s leadership or not, it is crucial that the American people stay ⁤informed and hold their leaders accountable. It is their right to question and challenge those in power, as it is the⁤ foundation of a healthy ⁤democracy.

In‍ conclusion, while some may dismiss the claims of a conspiracy behind Biden’s leadership as mere speculation,⁣ there are valid concerns about his mental health and ability to lead. The American people deserve transparency and clarity from ​their‌ leaders, and⁢ it is ⁢their right to question and evaluate the actions and decisions of those in power. Whether there is a conspiracy or not, ⁣it is essential to stay informed and engaged‍ in the political process⁣ for the betterment of our ⁤society.

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