MLB star pitcher exposes secret video and texts, crushing #MeToo accuser’s career with confidence.

Star MLB Pitcher Posts Secret Video, Texts That Obliterate #MeToo Accuser’s Career-Derailing Claims: ‘I Already Have My Hooks In’

Former ⁤Major League Baseball pitcher Trevor Bauer is finally speaking out after years of being embroiled in a controversial sexual assault​ claim that has now been settled in court. In a stunning revelation, Bauer presents evidence that​ he says proves his innocence and accuses his accuser’s lawyers of knowing the truth all along.

Bauer, a National League Cy Young Award winner⁢ and former highest-paid‌ MLB ​player, saw his career crumble ‍when his accuser ⁢went‌ public. The Los ​Angeles Dodgers‌ suspended and eventually cut him, and no other U.S. team⁢ would ​sign him as a ⁤free agent. Forced to play in Japan, Bauer’s career took a major hit.

However, on October 3, the star pitcher exposes secret video and texts, crushing #MeToo accuser’s career with confidence.”>pro ‌baseball‍ pitcher posted a video on social media,‍ shedding⁢ light ​on his two-year court battle. Bauer shared several ⁣texts that allegedly came from his accuser, Lindsey Hill, texts that he ‌claims her lawyers were aware of ‍from the beginning.

Bauer argues that these texts⁣ demonstrate Hill’s premeditated plan to falsely ​accuse him of sexual assault ⁣in order to gain access to his $51 million fortune. One text reads,⁣ “Next victim. ⁢Star pitcher for the ⁤Dodgers,” which court documents confirm came from Hill’s phone. Another text highlights Bauer’s wealth, stating, “Net worth is⁣ 51​ mil.”

Furthermore,‌ Bauer ​reveals texts that expose Hill’s intention to exploit him⁢ financially:

  • “I’m going to his ⁢house Wednesday. I ⁤already‍ have ‌my hooks in.⁢ You know‍ how I roll.”
  • “Need daddy to choke me out.”
  • “Being an absolute WHORE to get in on his 51 million.”

In her sexual assault⁢ accusations, Hill ⁢claimed that she was physically assaulted during a sexual encounter ​with Bauer and suffered trauma. However, Bauer shares a video apparently taken by Hill herself, showing her lying next to him in bed with a smirk on her face and no injuries.

“Her legal team has ⁣approached me multiple times ‍about coming to a financial settlement, but, as I have‌ done since​ day one, ⁣I refused to pay her even a single cent,” Bauer asserts.

After two years of defending his integrity and reputation in the⁢ public eye, Bauer hopes this will be the last time he has to do so. He wants to focus​ on his job, winning baseball games, and entertaining fans worldwide.

Although Bauer was never formally ‍charged due to insufficient evidence, Hill‍ still pursued lawsuits against‌ him in an attempt to extract money. However, both parties have now dropped their lawsuits, with no payments made between them. Hill’s attorneys state‍ that⁢ her⁤ insurance company’s $300,000 payment serves as a sufficient settlement.

Bauer’s attorney emphasizes that the settlement is a positive outcome for the baseball star, as he neither paid​ Hill nor⁢ was ⁤found guilty ‌of any wrongdoing.

In ⁢response⁢ to Elon Musk’s inquiry about whether Hill’s attorneys were aware of the texts, Bauer confirms that they were.

For⁢ Bauer, this serves as vindication,‍ and he believes the⁤ significant ‍amount he spent on legal representation was worth it.

“Quite‌ frankly, regardless of the outcome in court, I’ve paid significantly more in legal⁤ fees than Lindsey Hill ‍could ever ⁤pay me ⁣in her entire life, and I ⁣knew that would be the ⁣case going‌ in,” Bauer⁣ states. “But the lawsuit was never about ⁣the money for me.⁢ It was the only way for me to obtain critical information to clear⁣ my‌ name.”

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The post Star MLB Pitcher Posts​ Secret Video, Texts That​ Obliterate #MeToo Accuser’s Career-Derailing Claims: ‘I Already Have My Hooks In’ ⁢ appeared first ‍on ​ The Western Journal.

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Star MLB Pitcher⁢ Posts ​Secret Video, ‍Texts That⁤ Obliterate #MeToo Accuser’s Career-Derailing Claims: ‘I Already Have My Hooks In’

Former Major League Baseball pitcher Trevor ⁣Bauer ‍is finally speaking out after years of being ⁢embroiled in a controversial sexual assault claim that ​has now been settled in court. In a stunning revelation, Bauer presents evidence that he says proves⁣ his innocence and accuses his accuser’s lawyers ⁤of ⁣knowing the ⁣truth all along.

Bauer, a National League Cy Young Award winner and former highest-paid MLB player, saw his​ career crumble when his accuser went public. ⁤The Los Angeles Dodgers suspended ‌and eventually cut him, and no⁤ other U.S. team would sign ⁢him as a‌ free agent. Forced to play in Japan, Bauer’s career took a major hit.

However, on October 3, the⁤ pro baseball pitcher posted a video on social media, shedding‍ light⁢ on his two-year court ‌battle. Bauer shared ⁣several texts that allegedly came from his accuser, Lindsey Hill, texts that ‍he claims her ⁤lawyers were aware of from⁣ the ⁤beginning.

Bauer argues⁤ that‍ these⁣ texts demonstrate Hill’s premeditated plan to falsely accuse him of sexual assault in order to‌ gain access ​to ⁤his‌ $51 million fortune. One⁤ text reads, “Next victim. Star pitcher for the Dodgers,” which court documents confirm⁢ came from Hill’s phone. Another ​text highlights Bauer’s wealth, stating, “Net worth is 51 mil.”

Furthermore, Bauer reveals texts that ⁤expose Hill’s intention to exploit him financially:

  • “I’m going to his house Wednesday. I​ already have​ my ‍hooks in. You know how I⁣ roll.”
  • “Need daddy to choke ​me⁢ out.”
  • “Being ⁤an absolute whore to get in on his ‍51 million.”

In her sexual assault accusations, Hill claimed‍ that she was physically assaulted during a sexual encounter with Bauer and suffered trauma. However, Bauer shares a⁤ video apparently taken‌ by Hill herself, showing her lying next to him in ‌bed with a smirk on her face ⁣and no injuries.

“Her legal team has approached me multiple times about ‍coming to a financial settlement, but, as I have done since day one, I ⁤refused to ‌pay⁢ her even a‌ single⁣ cent,” Bauer asserts.

After two years of defending his integrity and reputation in⁣ the public eye, Bauer hopes this will ⁣be the⁣ last time he has to do so. He wants to focus on his job, winning baseball games, and entertaining fans worldwide.

Although Bauer was never formally charged

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