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Gingrich urges removal of Gaetz from House GOP Conference.

Newt Gingrich Urges House‌ Republicans to⁣ Reject Rebellion Against Speaker‌ McCarthy

In a compelling ⁣op-ed for⁣ the Washington Post, ‍former Republican‍ speaker Newt Gingrich passionately called on House Republicans to stand against ⁣the internal​ rebellion led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R.,⁢ Fla.) ⁣and ⁢remove him from their conference. Gingrich labeled Gaetz as an anti-Republican figure who is actively destructive to the conservative movement.

Gingrich’s powerful essay comes just before an anticipated vote on Gaetz’s “motion to vacate,” which, with the support of Democrats, could potentially remove Speaker ‌McCarthy from his position. If​ successful, this would mark the first time⁣ in⁢ U.S. history that House lawmakers voted to ‍oust their leader.

Confident in his position, McCarthy assured reporters that he will ‌hold on to his role as speaker.

Earlier, Gingrich had floated the idea of expelling Gaetz ⁤from the GOP’s narrow House majority ⁣in⁤ a⁣ tweet. He questioned whether Gaetz was secretly working as an agent ⁢for the Democratic Party, as no one else seemed to be⁤ doing as much to undermine and weaken the House GOP.

Other prominent conservatives, including Rep. Chip Roy (R., Texas) and Fox News host Mark Levin, have also criticized Gaetz ⁢for his refusal⁣ to support any stopgap measure ⁤to ⁤fund the government. This forced McCarthy to pass a less conservative version with Democratic votes, which ultimately led to Gaetz’s motion for his removal.

Despite Gaetz’s denial ⁤that his issues with McCarthy are personal, Gingrich argued that Gaetz’s‌ actions are destroying the House GOP’s⁢ ability to govern effectively and present a strong contrast to the⁢ policy failures of the Biden administration.

Gingrich​ even found himself in rare agreement with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D., ‍Calif.), another former House⁢ speaker, who stated that ​Gaetz ‍has “no ⁢sway in the House of Representatives, except ⁤to get on TV.”

Furthermore, Gingrich pointed out that Gaetz is violating a House Republican Conference rule⁤ that states the motion ⁢to vacate should only be available with the agreement of the Republican Conference, so as not to allow Democrats ⁤to choose the Speaker.

Reflecting on his own experiences, ⁤Gingrich emphasized that when he rebelled against the GOP⁣ establishment ⁣during his time in the House, he represented the majority view of the caucus. In contrast, Gaetz’s rebellion is driven by his own ego and does not align with the majority’s perspective.

Gingrich‍ concluded his op-ed by ‌reminding House⁤ Republicans that they have more important matters to attend‍ to than entertaining one ⁣member’s ego. According to the House Republicans’ rules, a two-thirds vote ‌is required to expel a GOP member from the conference.

How does Gingrich argue for the importance of party ‍loyalty⁢ and discipline in achieving legislative goals?

At he ⁣has the support of ⁤the majority of ⁤the Republican conference and is not worried ⁣about the ‍outcome of⁤ the vote. However, ​Gingrich’s op-ed⁤ serves as a ‌cautionary plea for his ‌fellow‌ Republicans to⁤ reject the ​rebellion and⁤ maintain unity within their party.

Gingrich begins his article by emphasizing the importance of party​ loyalty and discipline in achieving legislative goals. He argues that while it is ⁢not uncommon for Republicans to have differing opinions and engage in healthy debates, it is essential ​to avoid division and disunity that could undermine their ability to pass​ conservative policies.

The former speaker goes on to ​describe Gaetz as a self-serving ⁤opportunist who is⁢ more⁣ interested in seeking personal fame and attention than ‌advancing the Republican agenda. Gingrich highlights Gaetz’s previous‌ stunts and ⁤controversial statements, ⁣suggesting they serve as distractions that‌ ultimately⁤ hinder‍ the conservative movement.

Furthermore, Gingrich points out ⁤the political risks associated with supporting Gaetz’s‌ motion to vacate. He believes that such a move would not only weaken the Republican party ⁣but also empower their Democratic opponents. He warns that removing ‌Speaker ‌McCarthy⁣ in this manner would not only disrupt the legislative process but also tarnish ​the Republican brand, making it harder for conservatives to regain ‍control in future elections.

Gingrich’s article concludes with a plea to his fellow Republicans to reject⁢ the rebellion and stand with ⁣Speaker ⁢‌McCarthy. He encourages them to⁢ prioritize the ⁢unity of their ⁣party and focus on the shared‍ conservative​ values they hold dear. Gingrich argues that embracing ‍division and discord⁣ will only serve to ⁤undermine the Republican party’s future⁢ success.

Overall, Gingrich’s op-ed serves as a passionate call⁢ to action ⁣for House Republicans to reject the rebellion led by Gaetz⁣ and maintain their loyalty to Speaker ‌McCarthy. It underscores the importance of ⁤unity and discipline within the ⁤party⁣ and warns of the potentially damaging‍ consequences that could arise from supporting Gaetz’s motion to⁢ vacate. By urging his colleagues to prioritize the conservative movement over ‌personal ambition, Gingrich’s article makes a strong ‍case for maintaining Republican cohesion in these tumultuous ‍times.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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