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Stephen Miller pleads to stop trying to remove McCarthy: ‘We’re losing our country, for God’s sake.’

Stephen​ Miller Urges Rep. Matt Gaetz to Reconsider Plan to Oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy

In a compelling‍ appearance on Fox ‍News’ “Sunday⁤ Morning Futures”‌ with Maria Bartiromo, former senior advisor⁢ to Donald Trump, ⁢Stephen Miller, passionately advised Rep. Matt Gaetz to ​reconsider ⁣his plan‍ to file a motion to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz had ⁣been vocal about his intentions to‍ remove McCarthy, citing personal⁤ grievances.

McCarthy had recently proposed a continuing resolution to keep the government open, which included spending⁤ cuts and funding for border security. However,⁤ Gaetz and a few other ⁢Republicans rejected this proposal.

Miller​ emphasized the importance of unity within the Republican party, stating, “Kevin is not going anywhere. He​ has the support of 218 members.” He urged Republicans to rise above their emotions and focus ‌on the urgent issues at hand.

“For the love of God, we are losing this country, and we are losing it ⁢fast,” Miller exclaimed. ‌He called for Republicans to ​unite in their​ mission to halt the open border invasion and combat a ​government that has been weaponized against conservatives⁣ and Christians.

Miller acknowledged the need for compromise, urging Republicans to make concessions on spending levels in order to pass ⁢crucial bills. He emphasized the⁤ importance of rallying⁣ Senate Republicans to ‍join the cause.

“We need 40 Republicans to⁣ stand up ‍and ​say no to open⁢ borders,⁢ no to weaponized government,” Miller‍ passionately concluded. He urged Republicans to apply pressure to Democrats who are up for re-election, making it‍ clear that their seats are at stake if they ⁢do not align with the party’s mission.

Watch the interview below:

How does⁣ Stephen Miller suggest Republicans apply pressure to Democrats who are up for ⁤re-election

‍ Title: Stephen‌ Miller Urges Rep. Matt Gaetz to Reconsider Plan to⁤ Oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy


In a recent appearance on Fox News’ “Sunday⁢ Morning‌ Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, former ​senior advisor to Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, passionately advised Rep. ⁣Matt​ Gaetz to reconsider his⁢ plan to file a motion to oust ‌Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz has ⁣expressed his intentions to ‍remove McCarthy, citing personal grievances. ​However, Miller emphasized the importance of unity within the Republican party and urged ​Republicans⁣ to focus on urgent issues at hand ‌rather than internal disputes.

Background: McCarthy’s Proposal⁣ and ​Gaetz’s‌ Opposition

Recently, McCarthy proposed a continuing resolution aimed at keeping the government open. This proposal included spending cuts and funding for border security. ⁤While it received support from a majority of Republicans,⁣ Gaetz and ⁣a few others rejected the ⁣proposal, leading ⁣to tensions within the party.

Miller Stresses​ Unity and Urgency

During ‌his interview, Miller ‍underscored the significance of unity⁢ within the ‌Republican party, firmly stating‍ that “Kevin is not going anywhere.” He‍ highlighted that McCarthy had the support of 218 members and called on Republicans ‌to ‍rise above personal emotions and concentrate on pressing matters.

Protecting ⁢the Country’s Interests

Passionately, Miller emphasized that ​the country‌ is⁢ in ⁤danger of being lost rapidly, stressing the need for ​Republicans to ⁤unite against the open border invasion and a government that ⁢he believes has been weaponized against conservatives⁢ and Christians. By ​rallying together and standing against these threats, Miller argued that Republicans can protect the core values and principles they hold⁤ dear.

Compromise and Leveraging Support

Acknowledging ‍the importance⁤ of compromise, ⁢Miller urged Republicans to make concessions on ⁤spending levels to‍ ensure the passage ​of crucial bills. Moreover, Miller stressed‍ the‌ need for Senate Republicans​ to join the⁢ cause and unite with their counterparts ⁢in the House.

Applying​ Pressure ⁢to⁣ Democrats

Miller concluded his argument by ‌passionately urging Republicans to apply pressure to Democrats who are up for re-election, emphasizing that ‍their ‍seats ⁣are at stake if they fail ‌to align with the party’s ‌mission. ‍By highlighting ‌the⁣ potential repercussions of not supporting key initiatives, Miller hoped to ⁣encourage Democrats to rethink their positions.


Stephen Miller’s appearance on ‍Fox News’ “Sunday​ Morning Futures”​ saw him passionately urging Rep. Matt Gaetz and other Republicans to⁣ reconsider their plans ⁢to oust Speaker ⁣Kevin McCarthy. Taking a unifying stance, Miller emphasized⁤ the importance of ⁢rallying together to address urgent issues. By finding common ground, compromising, and applying pressure to Democrats, Miller believes that Republicans can protect the ⁢country’s values and ⁢steer it in the right direction.

Watch the interview below:

[Insert link to the interview]

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