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Pfizer hires Super Bowl champ as COVID booster spokesperson.

Pfizer Recruits Super Bowl Champ⁣ to Be Official Spokesman for​ COVID Booster

Big Pharma company Pfizer has enlisted popular NFL ​star Travis Kelce as its new spokesperson for the latest COVID-19 vaccine. Kelce, known for his support of President ​Biden, posted a lighthearted and amusing video on Instagram ⁢to promote ​the new vaccine. However,‌ he immediately turned off the comments ‌on⁢ his post, demonstrating his confidence in his ‍choice.

The video features Kelce daydreaming ‌about getting his​ COVID⁣ shot along with ​his flu shot, emphasizing the convenience of getting⁣ both vaccines at once. Kelce’s partnership with Pfizer received criticism from social ⁣media users,‌ with some calling him a “clown” for joining forces with Big‌ Pharma.

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A ⁣post shared by Travis​ Kelce (@killatrav)

Despite the‌ backlash, Kelce’s decision to disable comments suggests he anticipated negative reactions from his fans. This incident highlights​ the divisive nature of vaccines and COVID treatments among Americans. While it is unlikely to harm Kelce’s career, it underscores​ the ongoing debate surrounding these medical interventions.

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The post Pfizer Recruits Super Bowl Champ to Be Official Spokesman for COVID Booster appeared first on The Western ⁢Journal.

How does Pfizer benefit from partnering with a well-known figure like Travis ‌Kelce as the spokesperson for the COVID booster?

S⁤ decision to partner with Pfizer as the official spokesperson for the COVID booster is a strategic move by both the company​ and the Super ⁣Bowl champion. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer are focusing on raising awareness about ​the importance of vaccination and encouraging the public to ‌get their booster shots. By enlisting a well-known figure ⁣like Travis Kelce, Pfizer aims to ⁣reach ⁤a wider audience and increase vaccine confidence in the general population.

Travis Kelce, ‍who plays for the‍ Kansas City Chiefs, has a significant⁢ following, especially among NFL fans. His multi-million dollar contract and successful football career have made⁤ him a recognizable‍ figure in the sports‍ world and beyond. Kelce has been vocal about his support ‍for President Biden, aligning himself with the administration’s efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. This partnership with Pfizer further emphasizes his commitment⁣ to raising vaccine awareness and promoting public health.

In the Instagram video posted ‍by‍ Kelce, he lightheartedly daydreams about getting his COVID shot while simultaneously receiving his ‍flu shot. The playfulness of the video aims to ​break down barriers and showcase the convenience of getting both vaccines at ‍once. However, Kelce’s decision to turn off comments suggests that ⁣he anticipated negative responses and chose not to engage in a ⁣potential argument ⁤or misinformation.

Social media users, as ‍expected,⁣ had mixed reactions to Kelce’s collaboration with Pfizer. Some praised ⁣him for using his platform ​to promote vaccination and public health, recognizing the importance of influential figures encouraging vaccine adoption. ⁣Others, ⁤however, criticized Kelce​ for aligning himself with a pharmaceutical company, labeling him ‌a “clown” and questioning his motives.

Despite⁢ the criticism, it is essential to acknowledge the positive impact that Kelce’s involvement can have. Utilizing⁣ influencers and celebrities to ‌promote vaccination ⁤is not a new strategy. Their large following and influence can help spread⁢ accurate information and combat ‌vaccine hesitancy. By partnering with Kelce, Pfizer is likely hoping⁣ to leverage his popularity to reach a broader audience ​and ‍increase vaccine acceptance.

In conclusion, Pfizer’s decision to recruit Travis ‌Kelce ‌as its official spokesperson for the COVID booster is a strategic move to increase vaccine awareness ‍and confidence. Kelce’s collaboration with Pfizer may face criticism from some social media users, but the partnership⁤ has the potential to reach a wider audience and encourage⁣ vaccine adoption. ⁣As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge society,‍ efforts to engage influential figures in promoting public health interventions like vaccination are crucial.

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