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LIVE NOW: NYC Chinese Group’s Town Hall on ‘Countering CCP Threat’ at 2 PM ET.

Mount Hope Chinese Association Holds Town Hall Meeting on “Countering the CCP Threat”

The Mount Hope Chinese Association,⁣ a Chinese organization based in upstate ⁢New York, is hosting an engaging town hall meeting in ‌Port Jervis. Join us at 2:00 p.m. ET on⁣ September 16th as we discuss strategies to counter the threat posed by the ⁢CCP (Chinese⁢ Communist Party). ⁣This event serves as a follow-up to our highly informative seminar titled “Wake up to the⁢ CCP Threat”.



⁣ What role can ⁢community engagement and proactive actions‌ play in ‌countering the⁢ CCP threat and protecting ⁤shared interests and values

Mount Hope Chinese Association​ Holds Town Hall​ Meeting on “Countering the CCP Threat”

The Mount‌ Hope Chinese Association, a Chinese organization based in upstate New‍ York, is‍ set to host⁣ an engaging town hall meeting in ‍Port Jervis. This event will take place at 2:00 p.m. ET⁢ on September 16th and aims to discuss strategies to ⁤counter the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The upcoming meeting is a follow-up to the association’s highly informative seminar titled “Wake up to the CCP Threat”.

The Mount Hope Chinese Association is a community-based‌ organization that is dedicated to promoting⁤ understanding, ⁣unity, and awareness among the Chinese diaspora in upstate New York. The association believes ​in fostering a strong sense of identity and cultural ⁣pride, while also⁣ addressing critical issues that affect their community.

With the aim of addressing ‌a pressing concern, the Mount Hope Chinese Association organized the seminar “Wake up to the CCP Threat”. The event was successful in shedding light on the strategies employed by the CCP to exert ‍influence and control over various aspects of society, both within China and⁣ abroad. Through this seminar, attendees gained valuable insights into the​ tactics‌ used by ​the CCP, ranging⁣ from propaganda efforts to covert operations.

The upcoming⁣ town hall meeting will provide attendees with an opportunity​ to ‌delve deeper into‍ strategies to counter the CCP threat. The association believes that a united community response is crucial in order to safeguard the values of freedom, democracy, and human‍ rights that are cherished ‌by‌ many.

At the⁤ town hall meeting, participants will have the chance to engage in open discussions‌ and share their thoughts on potential countermeasures. By brainstorming and exchanging ideas,⁤ the association hopes to foster a collective understanding of the threat and develop‌ effective ways to mitigate it. Special guest ‍speakers, including experts on Chinese⁤ politics, foreign⁣ policy, and human rights, will also be present ⁤to provide additional insights and⁣ guidance.

Throughout the event, the ‌Mount ⁢Hope Chinese Association will aim to encourage dialogue, critical thinking, and proactive engagement⁢ in countering the CCP threat. The town hall meeting will serve‌ as a ⁤platform for individuals ⁢to voice their concerns, propose solutions, and ‌engage with community leaders who can help facilitate effective actions.

As the threat‌ posed by the CCP continues to grow, it is essential⁢ for communities to​ come together and ⁣find ways to protect their ⁤shared interests,‌ values, and freedoms. The Mount Hope Chinese Association’s town⁢ hall meeting provides a significant opportunity for individuals to contribute to this collective ​effort.

The association invites all⁤ concerned ⁢individuals, community members, and local leaders to join them on September 16th at 2:00 p.m.⁤ ET in ​Port Jervis for this important town hall meeting. Together, we can work towards countering the CCP threat and safeguarding the principles that we hold dear.

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