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San Francisco Commissioner behind ‘Doom Loop’ tour resigns, sends harsh letter to Mayor.

San Francisco Commissioner ⁤Resigns, Blames Drug Crisis for City’s ⁤Deterioration

The San ⁣Francisco commissioner who created ⁢the ​“Doom Loop”‌ walking tour of San Francisco’s most decrepit and drug-infested areas resigned this week in a scathing letter to Mayor London Breed.

Alex ‌Ludlum, San Francisco’s land use commissioner, resigned from ⁣the city’s Commission on ‌Community Investment and Infrastructure on Monday. ‍Breed appointed the 35-year-old​ real estate ​professional to the commission ⁣last year.

In his resignation letter to the mayor, which he shared ⁢ with the ⁣San Francisco Chronicle, Ludlum pointed the finger squarely at San Francisco’s drug crisis for the city’s deterioration.

“The ​unchecked drug dealing is ⁤plainly the root‌ of our current problems,” Ludlum ⁣wrote. “As Mayor, I hope you will continue to address these dire issues,⁢ and will have my full‌ support in doing so.”

“As long as the open-air drug markets continue their daily operations, we will continue to witness the misery of suffering addicts, the withdrawal ⁣of pedestrians and ⁢office-workers, ⁣the ​ongoing closures of small businesses, and the‌ stagnation of⁣ our rich⁢ cultural life,” ‍he said. ⁢“All of downtown will⁤ suffer until the ⁣markets are closed.”

Ludlum apologized for creating the “Downtown Doom Loop Walking Tour,” which was advertised as a look⁢ at ‌the “worst of⁣ San Francisco” and ⁤the “doom and squalor of downtown.” ​The tour was canceled less ​than 24 hours before it was to⁣ take place.

“I regret that my attempt⁢ to‌ bring attention to⁤ the deplorable street conditions & rampant criminality ⁢in my neighborhood has been⁤ misconstrued as a mockery of‌ suffering individuals,” Ludlum wrote ⁤in his letter.

“Satire is a poor way to address⁤ the grave issues we face as a ⁤city,” he added.

The $30 “Doom Loop” ‍tour,⁣ which reportedly sold out, attracted media ⁢attention and backlash before ‌it was canceled. The tour promised to show ⁢people the ‍city’s open-air​ drug markets, empty office ⁤buildings, and the “urban decay” in the‌ Tenderloin, Mid-Market, and Union Square.

A spokesman ⁤for⁤ Mayor Breed called Ludlum’s decision to organize and publicize the tour a “deep error in judgment.”

“We are working every day to address the city’s ⁢challenges, and our focus remains on doing‍ the work to move this city forward,”⁤ the mayor’s ‍spokesman told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Initially, it was not ⁢clear that Ludlum was the “Doom Loop” organizer, but his involvement reportedly came to light when refund‌ notices for the tour⁣ listed a person⁤ with his email address as the⁤ organizer.

Homelessness and Drug Crisis⁢ Plague San Francisco

San‌ Francisco has been ‍in the throes of ‌a homelessness and drug crisis for years now.

Homelessness‌ has only gotten worse since before the pandemic. About⁤ 38,000 people are homeless in the ​Bay Area on a given night, up 35% since 2019. More than ‌7,000 people are homeless in⁤ San Francisco itself.

Crime and open-air drug use often accompanies the homelessness issue, causing businesses ⁤to ⁢flee San Francisco’s​ downtown, where foot⁣ traffic has ‌thinned.

The drug⁣ crisis is still raging as well — although overdose deaths have dropped from their ‌all-time high in 2020 during the ‌thick of the pandemic.

In 2022, San Francisco saw 620 fatal drug overdoses, down ‌from 640⁤ overdose deaths⁢ in 2021. ⁢In 2020, overdose deaths spiked to 725.

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