Washington Examiner

Nebraska judge supports bans on abortion and transgender surgery.

A Victory for Nebraska: Judge Upholds State’s‍ Restrictions on Abortion and Transgender Surgeries

A judge in Nebraska ​has ⁣made ⁣a landmark decision, upholding the ‍state’s restrictions on abortion and transgender surgeries. ⁤This ruling paves the way for these limitations to go into effect in the Cornhusker State.

Protecting ‌Life and Ensuring Proper Care

The⁤ law, ‍which was‍ passed in May, prohibits abortion ‍beyond 12 weeks, with exceptions for ​cases involving ⁢the life of‍ the mother, rape, and incest. ‌Additionally, it bans transgender surgeries for individuals under 19 years old, including the use of puberty blockers for minors in Nebraska.

Gratitude and Support from Governor ‍Jim⁢ Pillen

Governor Jim ​Pillen (R-NE) expressed ‌his gratitude for‌ the court’s decision, celebrating⁤ the ruling on Friday. In ⁢a ⁢statement, ​he said, “I am grateful⁢ for the court’s thorough decision. I ​was proud to sign into law a measure ‌that protects kids and defends the unborn, and I am pleased that⁣ it has been‍ upheld.”

A Devastating ​Blow for Abortion Rights Advocates

Unsurprisingly, ​abortion rights advocates consider this decision a ‍devastating blow ⁤to their⁢ cause. ‌However,⁣ they remain ‍determined ​to fight back and ⁤have vowed to appeal the ‍court’s ruling.

Ruth Richardson, CEO ⁤of Planned Parenthood North Central States, expressed her disappointment, stating, “This decision is a devastating blow to Nebraskans’ fundamental right to⁢ make⁢ what should‌ be⁤ private ⁢decisions between them and their doctors. This abortion ban ⁢disproportionately affects people in rural areas,‍ people of⁣ color, people with low incomes, and young people, further widening already unacceptable⁢ health inequities.”

Richardson added, “But, ⁣I ⁣want to be clear, this is not the end of this fight. We will appeal ‍this decision and, in‍ the meantime, continue to ‌provide abortion​ before‌ 12 weeks of​ pregnancy, as permitted ‍by law. Nothing about this⁢ setback changes⁣ our commitment to standing up for the rights⁢ and‍ health of all Nebraskans.”

Nebraska Joins the Movement

Nebraska is now among the ‍growing ⁢number of states that have outlawed transgender ​surgeries for minors.⁣ This ‍decision aligns the state​ with⁣ others that have​ implemented restrictions on ‍abortion following the ‌Supreme Court’s 2022 decision in Dobbs ⁣v. Jackson Women’s​ Health Organization, ‌which ⁣overruled Roe⁤ v. Wade.

For ⁤more⁢ information,‌ click here ⁤to read more from‍ The Washington‍ Examiner.

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