Washington Examiner

Trump promises to retaliate against the ‘Biden crime family’ and ‘unjust prosecutions’.

Former President Donald Trump Vows to Turn the Tables on President Joe​ Biden

During​ a passionate speech at the Alabama⁣ Republican Party’s summer​ dinner, former President Donald Trump made a bold promise to appoint a ‌special prosecutor to investigate the alleged “bribes from ‌China and many other ⁤foreign countries that go into the coffers of the Biden crime family.”

This event marked Trump’s first major campaign appearance since pleading not guilty to charges related to the 2020 election and the Jan. 6⁢ Capitol riot. Despite⁣ facing multiple indictments this year, Trump remains the heavy front-runner for ⁤the 2024 nomination.

“Every one of these many fake charges filed against me by the corrupt ‌Biden‌ DOJ could have been filed 2.5 years ago, ⁢but⁤ they waited and waited until I became the​ dominant force in the polls, and then they filed them all, including local DAs and AGs, ‍and other ⁢cases, ⁣right in the middle of my campaign where we’re leading so much,” Trump said.

Trump ‌humorously added, “We need one more indictment ⁣to close​ that‌ out.” There may be a fourth indictment coming in Fulton‍ County, Georgia.

Trump expressed his belief that these charges are ‌an attempt to interfere with his campaign and the election, comparing ⁣it ‍to tactics​ used in Third World countries.

Trump’s Strong Position in the Polls

According to the⁢ RealClearPolitics polling average,⁢ Trump leads the Republican field nationally by 35.5 points. Only Gov. Ron ⁢DeSantis (R-FL) manages to break into the double digits against him. Additionally, Trump⁣ trails President Biden by less than a point in the same aggregate.

“The Biden crime family was‌ taking in money⁤ from China, Ukraine, Russia, and so many more — and now,⁣ every time more Biden corruption is exposed, his henchmen indict⁣ me ​the ⁤very next day. It’s called ⁣a ⁣cover-up,” the ​former president​ said.

Speakers at ⁤the Alabama ⁤GOP event urged attendees to pray for Trump,‍ emphasizing that he is “under ⁢attack.” Trump ⁣was ​hailed as⁣ “the greatest president of my lifetime” by⁢ Rep. ⁣Barry Moore (R-AL), who⁣ also​ stated that no one has faced more ‍persecution ‍for standing up for the country than‌ Donald Trump.

Alabama GOP Chairman John Wahl criticized the Justice Department for limiting free speech and free thought, stating that they prosecute individuals ​simply because they have‌ a different opinion on election results. Wahl warned that if they can do this to a former president, they can do it to anyone.

“They ⁤want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take⁤ away ⁢your freedom. It’s very simple,” Trump said. “They want to silence ‌me because I will never ​let them silence you. In the end, they’re not after me, ⁤they’re after you, and I just happen to be standing​ in their ⁣way.”

The entire House ‌Republican delegation from Alabama endorsed ‌Trump for the 2024 nomination earlier on Friday, referring to ‍his successful first term and his commitment to securing borders, rebuilding the economy, strengthening national ⁢defense, ensuring equal justice, protecting children, and restoring America’s respect in the world.

Trump was​ introduced by Sen. Tommy ‍Tuberville (R-AL), who has his own battles with‌ Biden. Tuberville is currently holding up military promotions in protest of ⁢the Pentagon’s policy ​on reimbursing travel⁤ expenses related to abortion. He also opposes Biden’s decision ⁣to keep the Space Command Headquarters in‍ Colorado⁢ instead of moving it to Huntsville, Alabama.

Trump ‌hinted that there may be more to come regarding ​the Space Command Headquarters ⁤decision.

Biden has argued that Tuberville’s actions and conservative critiques ⁣of Pentagon policies show that‍ Republicans are no longer the party of national defense.

Tuberville criticized Biden’s leadership, predicting that it⁣ will lead the country to crash and burn. He reiterated his support for Trump, stating that‍ no one can ⁤get the job done faster, quicker, and more efficiently than Donald J. Trump.

During his ​speech,‌ Trump hinted that he may not participate in the first GOP debate due to his significant lead in the polls. He also took jabs at Ron DeSantis, calling him “Ron DeSanctimonious” and mocking his slide in the polls. Trump entertained the‍ idea of ‌a country song about⁤ DeSantis’s decline.

Trump claimed credit for the reversal of Roe v. Wade but urged⁣ abortion opponents to negotiate and portrayed Democrats as the real extremists and radicals ​on the ⁢issue.

The crowd ⁤cheered the loudest when Trump listed ​conservative policy priorities.

Despite the indictments, Trump appeared at ease with the⁣ crowd, criticizing special counsel Jack⁣ Smith as “sick‌ and deranged” while praising My​ Pillow CEO Mike Lindell. Trump⁢ jokingly expressed his confusion ​about the profitability of selling pillows.

“Mike⁤ is a great guy. ‌Go buy his pillows or his slippers or his towels — whatever the‍ hell you want, just buy it,” he said.

While highlighting his strong ‌poll numbers, Trump assured the crowd that he would not play “prevent defense” against his opponents. He stated that he had been holding back against Biden out of respect⁣ for the presidency, but now that ‍the indictments have been issued, the gloves are off.

Trump passionately ​denounced “Biden and the communists,” viewing the indictments from “Marxists” and ‍”radical left lunatics” as a “badge ⁢of honor.”

He concluded by declaring that⁤ the tables must⁢ turn, as he believes the ​deep state is destroying the nation.

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