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99 Senators have endorsed the Israel-Hamas Resolution.

Ninety-nine senators on ⁢Tuesday signed‍ onto⁣ a resolution that backs Israel against Hamas⁢ in the ongoing conflict.

However, there⁣ was one lawmaker ​who ⁢stood apart. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was‌ the only one in the ​upper congressional chamber who did not sign onto the resolution. His ‍silence on the⁤ matter has ​left ⁢many curious.

The resolution ⁣boldly declares the⁣ Senate’s⁤ unwavering support for ⁣Israel’s defense against Hamas. It emphasizes Israel’s ​right to self-defense and commits‌ to assisting in safeguarding its people from future aggression.

Furthermore, the resolution urges the Biden administration to take immediate action by calling for ​de-escalation and a⁢ cease-fire ‌to put an end to⁣ the ongoing violence. It also​ emphasizes the ​need to facilitate the entry⁣ of ​humanitarian aid into the Gaza⁣ territory.

Senator Paul’s ​stance⁣ is not‍ surprising,‌ as ​he has consistently opposed foreign aid. In ⁢the past,⁢ he ⁣has placed holds on aid to Israel, ​including funding for the⁣ Iron Dome missile defense program. He believes​ that aid should only be given to ⁤countries that are not enemies of the United ‌States and Israel.

In 2021, Senator Paul blocked a House-passed bill that aimed to provide $1 billion for Israel’s Iron Dome system. He firmly believes that the United ⁤States should ⁣not provide money it does not have, regardless of the strong bond with Israel.

Following the recent Hamas attack, Senator Paul released a ‍statement expressing his support for Israeli ‍Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He emphasized the importance of preventing a nuclear Iran ‍and the spread of Radical ⁢Islam, calling for collaboration ⁤in achieving these goals.

Other Senate Activity

Over⁤ the ⁣weekend,⁣ Senate⁣ Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and a bipartisan group of senators visited Israel to show ‌their support. They met with Israeli⁤ President Isaac Herzog⁢ in Tel Aviv, emphasizing the cross-party backing for the State of Israel.

Upon⁢ their return, Senator Schumer vowed to swiftly provide aid ‍to ⁢Israel, stating that the Senate must take the lead. ​He expressed ‍his commitment to ensuring military, intelligence, and humanitarian ‌assistance for Israel’s defense.

Secretary of State ⁣Antony Blinken, ⁣Director of National Intelligence​ Avril Haines, ‌Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Chairman​ of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Brown are⁣ scheduled​ to hold a classified briefing on the Middle East conflict for the full Senate on ​Wednesday.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has also ‌scheduled⁤ a confirmation hearing ⁢for former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, ⁤President Joe Biden’s nominee for⁤ the ⁣next⁣ ambassador to Israel. Senator Schumer urged the committee to approve Lew promptly,‌ enabling ⁤the full Senate to confirm him ⁤without delay.

Support for Israel has traditionally ⁢been bipartisan in the U.S. Congress, with Israel currently ⁤receiving $3.8‌ billion ‌in military assistance per year under a 10-year aid package passed in⁣ 2016.

Smoke rises from Dhayra village after Israeli ‌shelling as pictured from the Lebanese town of Marwahin, near ⁤the border with Israel, southern Lebanon, on Oct. 11, 2023. (Mohamed Azakir/Reuters)

Senator Schumer believes that the Senate’s strong pro-Israel legislation may ⁣encourage the ⁣House of Representatives ‍to take action, despite‌ its current leadership​ impasse. He emphasized the importance of providing military, ⁤intelligence, ⁣diplomatic, and humanitarian assistance to Israel without ⁢delay.

As the situation continues⁢ to unfold, the Senate remains committed to supporting Israel and ensuring its defense against Hamas.

Reuters contributed ‍to this report.

How‌ can political leaders engage in ​open and constructive dialogue ⁤to find a durable and just solution to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas?

And other government officials to discuss the ongoing conflict and express solidarity with Israel. The senators also visited ⁤the Iron Dome missile defense​ system ⁣and witnessed its effectiveness in intercepting incoming rockets from Hamas.

In addition to the resolution backing Israel against Hamas, the Senate has been actively engaged in discussions and legislation⁢ related ⁢to the conflict. Several senators have called for a thorough investigation into‍ the alleged war crimes‍ and human rights ⁣abuses committed by both⁢ sides, urging ​accountability for any violations. There​ have ​also been discussions about the role of the United States in mediating a peaceful resolution and promoting ‍dialogue between Israel and Palestine.

While the vast majority‍ of senators have shown their support for Israel, it is important to note‍ that Senator Paul’s dissenting‍ stance does not ‍diminish⁢ the collective commitment of⁤ the Senate to the security and well-being of Israel. It is ⁣a reminder that within any democratic institution, there will always be differing opinions and perspectives.

The ongoing⁤ conflict between Israel and ​Hamas has far-reaching implications ⁤for regional ⁣stability and global security. It is‌ crucial for political ⁢leaders to engage in open and constructive dialogue to find a durable and just solution that respects the rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians. The resolution signed‌ by the ninety-nine senators reaffirms the United States’ commitment to Israel’s defense while also calling ⁤for de-escalation and humanitarian aid to the affected populations.

As the situation continues to evolve,⁤ it is vital for the international community to support efforts aimed at ‌a peaceful resolution and the long-term stability of the region.⁤ Diplomatic ⁣initiatives, humanitarian assistance, and sustained dialogue between all stakeholders are necessary to address the root causes of the conflict and build a future of peace and coexistence. The⁢ role of the United States, as a⁣ key global power, remains crucial in facilitating a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

In conclusion, the resolution signed by ⁢ninety-nine senators demonstrates⁤ the unwavering support of the United States Senate for Israel in its defense against Hamas. While Senator Rand Paul’s decision not to sign onto​ the resolution has attracted attention, it is important to recognize⁤ the diverse range of opinions within the Senate. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas requires sustained diplomatic efforts, humanitarian aid, and the involvement⁢ of the international community in order to achieve a peaceful resolution that ensures the security and⁣ well-being of all ‍parties involved.

Read More From Original Article Here: 99 Senators Sign Israel–Hamas Resolution

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