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2024 GOP hopeful willing to be Trump’s VP: ‘I’m ready to answer’

GOP Candidate Larry Elder Open to Being Trump’s Vice President

GOP presidential hopeful Larry Elder expressed his willingness to consider being the running mate for either former President Donald Trump or Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. In an interview with Newsweek, Elder stated that if either Trump or DeSantis approached him, he would absolutely hear what they have to say.

Elder, who is running for president, emphasized that his primary goal is to win the presidency. However, he did not rule out the possibility of joining another person’s ticket. He stated, “I am running for president, I’m not running for vice president, I’m not running for a cabinet position. However, in the unlikely event I’m not the party nominee, and if Trump or DeSantis or one of the other persons call and ask me to be vice president, I will take the call. I won’t let it go to voicemail.”

While Elder admitted to being a “big fan” of Trump, he also expressed doubts about Trump’s ability to win over swing state voters. He stated, “Here’s the problem; I believe there are so many swing voters in swing states who would not vote for the man if he walked on water. In fact, they would accuse him of not being able to swim. I have no idea what to do about Trump derangement syndrome — maybe someday somebody will develop a vaccine.”

Despite his personal opinion of Trump, Elder believes it is time for the Republican Party to move on from him. He argued that in order to win the 2024 election, Republican voters need to unite behind a candidate whose last name is not Trump, but who can still appeal to swing voters. Elder believes he is that candidate.

Elder also criticized President Joe Biden, claiming that he is experiencing an obvious cognitive decline. He described Biden as someone who has “clearly lost it.”

Elder’s bid for governor in California in 2021 was ultimately unsuccessful, as voters chose to keep Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in office. However, Elder remains determined and announced his campaign for president in April.

Despite his ambitions, Elder has struggled to gain traction with potential primary voters. A recent Morning Consult poll showed Trump leading with 57 percent support among potential primary voters, followed by DeSantis with 19 percent support. Elder was not mentioned in the poll, with three other candidates polling at zero percent.

Source: The Western Journal

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