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2022 Man of The Year: Judge James Ho

Yale Law School produced great men. Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito were among the great justices. John Yoo, John Bolton, and John Yoo were public servants. Patriots such Oath Keepers founder Elmer Stewart Rhodes.

The “number one” law school has been going downhill for a long time, but we trace its precipitous decline to 2017, the year that Heather Gerken became the law school’s (first ever female) dean. First was the bitching The Kavanaugh nomination was defeated. Then came the meltdown The traphouse-gate is closed. Then came the pathetic hissy fit That disrupted a bipartisan panel discussing free speech

By the time the Dobbs decision was leaked—we’d wager by a Yale Law clerk—students at the law school were calling To overthrow democracy, and to abolish the Constitution. Can the legal profession withstand the coming flood of snot nosed snowflakes? America could?

One man wasn’t going to wait to find out.

In September, Fifth Circuit judge James Ho announced Yale Law School clerks would not be hired by him again. “Customers can boycott entities that practice cancel culture,” Ho said. “I wonder how a law school would feel if my fellow federal judges and I stopped being its customers.”

More than a dozen of Ho’s colleagues, including the 11th Circuit’s Elizabeth Branch, eventually joined the boycott.

The gambit was a harsh ultimatum to an institution that relies heavily on clerkship placements for its prestige: either give up your reputation or make a pair. Gerken took the school off the U.S. News and World Report Rankings. Sayonara, the top law school!

Judge Ho, congrats for clapping back at campus bullies and helping Yale drop a peg. Washington Free Beacon Man of the year.

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