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2022 Man of The Year: Chris Brunet

Being fired can lead to men hitting a fork in their road. You have two options. One, you can be a man and grab some booze from your top drawer. The other is to go out having a good old fashioned shindig. You can either go out in ablaze of glory or make a huge public display of your dismissal that will be remembered by everyone after you get the boot.

Chris Brunet, a journalist, didn’t look at the first path after he was terminated for self-publishing an article about a lying Harvard professor.

(DISCLOSURE: We didn’t read the story. You can, if you so desire. Some reasonable people say Brunet’s story is bullshitHowever, our research shows that Ivy League institutions are not. backward Professors are often full of crap. It does not matter for our purposes.

As the Daily Caller Brunet was pushed out of the room by Brunet, and he played Theatrical. “You can’t fire me, because I quit!” card. Then he went one step further. self-published againThis time, his scorched earth resignation email.

Brunet tells his boss that he believes in the concept of ‘radical honesty a-la Ray Dalio.” In other words: Buckle up, buckaroo, because this email is going to be batshit.

It was a fair warning. Brunet goes on to say that he “didn’t make a single friend” in his two months at the Caller, that he felt like an “alienated” “outsider,” and that the reason he “never clicked with anyone” was because all his colleagues suck. His only regret? He didn’t tell them they sucked to their faces. Here’s Brunet:

“A lot of the reporters are stupid and annoying. Some of them are cool. But too many of them are stupid toxic kids. I hate calling people ‘stupid/toxic/annoying’ Behind their back. I would prefer to say it directly. It isn’t professional or conducive to telling your coworkers this, so I wouldn’t. I just don’t want to be around stupid, toxic, annoying people all day ever day.”

That’s fine. Thanks for the professionalism notes. He goes on to attack the outlet’s readers for caring about stupid crap, and not the important issues Brunet cares about, like…”crypto.”

“Of the stories in my inbox that I am cc’d on every day, how many do I care about? Zero, usually.

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