
Cause of death for 11-year-old Audrii Cunningham revealed

(Photo⁣ via: Polk County, ⁣TX Sheriff’s Office)

OAN’s Brooke Mallory
2:38 PM – Friday, ⁢February 23, 2024

Tragic Death of 11-Year-Old Texas Girl Revealed

According to records ‍from the Harris County medical examiner’s office, ‌11-year-old Audrii Cunningham of Texas, who was murdered by her father’s friend, Don Steven McDougal, died from “homicidal ​violence, including blunt‍ head trauma.”

The shocking cause of death sheds ‍more‍ light on Audrii’s disappearance, which occurred after McDougal⁤ was asked by ‌the girl’s father ​to take⁤ her to ⁤the bus stop.


Her⁢ remains were discovered ​in a river close to her rural Livingston, Texas, home⁢ after an extensive ‍five-day search, according to authorities.

McDougal, ‍42, a friend of Audrii’s father who resided on the same land as them but ⁣in a trailer⁤ park, ‍was ​charged on Wednesday with capital murder in⁢ connection to her death.

The 42-year-old perpetrator lived behind the house where the child lived with her father and grandmother. Audrii’s mother, Cassie ‍Matthews, was not taking care ⁤of her ‍daughter at the⁢ time.

A number of‌ previous reports claimed that Matthews had lost custody due to her own drug addictions, however, the⁢ mother refuted these claims⁢ in ⁤a social media post.

“That is my daughter, and I never lost any rights to her, so as her ⁢parent, I’m going to involve myself in anything I please ‌concerning my child!” she reportedly wrote. “I’m tired of all the bullsh*t and I’m tired of being silent, scared, and ‌once again bullied‌ into ‌submission by people I don’t⁣ f**king know.”

“I’ll make this clear one time and one time only, ​I failed my daughter by being bullied into submission by her father’s family and being made to believe she was⁣ in a safe, loving, and normal home with her‌ father,” ⁤Cassie Matthews said on Facebook.

According ​to Polk County officials,⁢ McDougal had promised to drive Audrii to ⁢her school bus stop last Thursday, however, she never got on ‌it. Later that day, a backpack‍ that resembled Audrii’s bright⁣ red Hello ​Kitty backpack was discovered close to ⁢a nearby dam.

The complaint states that Audrii’s ‌body​ was wrapped in a huge boulder with ⁣a rope that ⁢”was consistent with rope that was observed in McDougal’s vehicle on a ⁢traffic stop two days prior”‍ when her remains were discovered in​ the Trinity River on⁣ Tuesday.

Polk County Sheriff‍ Byron Lyons⁢ said that McDougal informed detectives that he ⁢had⁤ visited a number of‍ locations ⁢around the ​time Audrii disappeared, including the river. According to the complaint, investigators have proof that McDougal “lied about his whereabouts and‍ activities on the day of February 15, 2024.”

During a Wednesday ​night vigil for Audrii, family ⁢and friends grieved the passing of a ​sociable girl whose contagious grin ​could instantly brighten anyone’s day.

“No matter⁣ where she went or who she met,⁢ she just made them light up,” ‌said her aunt, Brenda Cedars. “She could always ⁣make you laugh, no ​matter what kind of mood‍ you were in. It just isn’t ⁣fair that we all got robbed⁣ of that.”

The victim’s mother said that she has had difficulty finding the right words to express her grief regarding the⁤ death⁢ of her daughter, whom she considered ‍to be‍ “perfect,” in⁣ her own words.

(Photo‌ via:​ Joshua Cunningham public Facebook (Meta)‌ profile)

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Who was charged with capital murder in ‍connection to⁢ Audrii’s⁣ death?

Tragic Death of 11-Year-Old Texas Girl Revealed

In a heartbreaking ​turn of events, the cause ‌of ⁣the death of⁢ 11-year-old Audrii Cunningham of Texas has been revealed. According to records from⁤ the Harris County medical examiner’s office,⁤ Audrii died from “homicidal violence, including blunt head⁢ trauma,” inflicted by ⁣her father’s friend, Don Steven McDougal.

The shocking revelation sheds more light on the circumstances surrounding Audrii’s disappearance. It was reported that McDougal had been asked by Audrii’s father to take her to the bus stop. However, after five days of‍ searching, her remains were⁣ tragically discovered in a river near her rural Livingston, Texas home.

McDougal, a 42-year-old friend of Audrii’s⁤ father who ‍lived ​on the same land as them in a⁤ trailer park, was⁤ charged with capital murder in connection to her death.⁤ He‌ resided ‌behind ‌the⁢ house where Audrii lived with her father ⁣and ‍grandmother, while her mother, Cassie Matthews, ‌was not taking care of her at the time.

There have been ‌previous reports ‍claiming that Matthews had lost custody⁣ of Audrii⁤ due ‌to her own drug addictions. However, the mother refuted these ⁤claims in a social media post, asserting her rights as Audrii’s parent. She​ expressed her ⁤frustration with being bullied into⁤ submission and emphasized that she failed her daughter by believing she was ‌in a safe and loving environment.

According to ​Polk County officials, McDougal had promised to drive Audrii to her ⁣school bus stop. However, she never boarded the bus, ‍and later that day, a backpack resembling Audrii’s was found near‌ a nearby dam. The complaint states that Audrii’s ​body‌ was wrapped in⁤ a⁤ huge ​boulder with a rope consistent⁢ with the one observed in McDougal’s vehicle⁣ during a traffic stop two days prior. Her remains were discovered⁢ in ⁢the Trinity River on Tuesday.

McDougal initially informed detectives that he had visited‌ various locations, including the river, around the time ⁣Audrii⁣ disappeared. However, investigators found evidence that McDougal had lied about his whereabouts and activities on the day of February 15, 2024.

At a Wednesday night vigil for Audrii, family and friends ‌mourned the loss of a sociable girl whose contagious grin could⁣ brighten ‌anyone’s day. They recalled her ability to make everyone‍ she met light up and ⁣bring laughter to any situation. The victim’s mother expressed her difficulty ‍finding the right ⁢words to express‍ her grief over the​ death of ⁤her daughter.

The tragic death of Audrii Cunningham has left a community‌ in shock and mourning. ‌It serves ‍as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and safety, even within seemingly familiar environments. The case continues to be investigated, with the hope that justice will be served for‌ Audrii ⁤and her ⁢loved ones.

Read More From Original Article Here: 11-Year-Old Audrii Cunningham’s Cause Of Death Revealed

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