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Virginia Progressive Prosecutor Won’t Prosecute Misdemeanors Including Hit-and-Runs

Buta Biberaj, Democrat (D.), faces outcry by party allies for her incompetence Loudoun County. Va. commonwealth’s attorney Buta Biberaj.

One of Virginia’s most progressive county prosecutors has announced that her office will not be prosecuting a variety of misdemeanors including reckless driving, petty steal, and hit-and run.

Buta Biberaj (D.), Loudoun County commonwealth’s lawyer, announced that her office would not prosecute many low-level offenders beginning next week, according to a memo. Obtained Fox 5.

Biberaj states that her office has a lot of potential. “inundated” Her team will now be able to deal with more serious crimes. Local leaders aren’t buying it.

“I don’t believe the issue is anything else but her ability to manage her office,” Loudoun County Board of Supervisors chairwoman Phyllis Randall (a Democrat) told Fox 5 adding that she “Absolutely not” support Biberaj’s reelection bid this year. “If she was running unopposed, I wouldn’t support her.”

Biberaj’s announcement stunned both the county sheriff and board members.

Biberaj’s office did not respond when asked for comment. According to the sheriff’s office, Washington Free Beacon It was “disappointed” Biberaj didn’t warn it of the changes. “that law enforcement officers will no longer have assistance from a prosecutor in many general district court cases.”

This left-leaning prosecutor has not had the best track record in serious felony cases on which she claims she is focusing. Last year, a series mistakes led to the release Two Assailants in murder In a matter weeks. Both are now free from charges. The second was taken into custody later in Georgia.

Randall, former allies and Kristen Umstattd (a Democratic supervisor) have called for Biberaj’s replacement. Umstattd claimed that Biberaj is the commonwealth attorney. “misleading the public.” The county judge is also available kicked Biberaj off a case last year for Fast and loose playing With evidence, writing in an order that Biberaj was “deliberately misleading the court and the public” To “sell” a plea deal.

Biberaj is one the three Northern Virginia prosecutors who were boosted to office by six-figure contributions from George Soros. Nearly $1 million was contributed by the liberal billionaire to her campaign in 2019. Biberaj faces a primary challenge due to her incompetence, alongside Parisa Dehghani Tafti (D.), Arlington County prosecutor.

Randall said to Fox 5 she didn’t know Biberaj was ending misdemeanor trials

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