The bongino report

U.S. Venture Capital Investment Drops 65 Percent in 2022


Venture capital a rel=””″>investment In the United States, it is declining. It is becoming more difficult for individuals to fundraise in America. Venture capital Funds, but also for entrepreneurs who need capital to start a business.

Prequin can be referred to as a service This site tracks all types of data about venture capital. It reports that venture capitalists (VCs), who raised $20.6 billion last quarter in new funding, are now down 65% from last year. This is also the lowest amount of money raised since 2013.

This is crucial for the American economy’s health.

Venture capital invests in insane ideas and often gets a bad rap. This might be something you hear around your kitchen table: “Well, I’d never invest in that because you knew it would lose money.” This sentiment is often right. Venture capitalists often lose large sums of money when they invest in businesses that fail.

The return on investment for VCs who invest in a company that builds a large business is high. It makes sense because risky investments should generate outsized returns. Take a look at Stephen Kaplan, Chicago Booth professor You can find out more about private equity research “venture” If you’re looking for high returns, this is a great asset to invest in.  Kaplan’s work paper shows that venture investment returns continue, but buyout fund returns do not.

If an entrepreneur has an idea, and makes it a business, it generally leads to a rise of the standard for living in society.  Venture capital investment is essential. Innovation must be funded. It does not happen by accident.

There are many reasons why investment should be lower. First, the Federal Reserve’s increase in interest rates. As interest rates rise, so have the trade-offs of risks and rewards. If you invest your money in a bond funds, you will feel the inflation bite immediately.

The second is that venture capitalists have raised record amounts of funds between 2019 and 2021. Many have enough cash to invest and don’t need additional funds. They have also slowed down their investment speed. With a five-year investment time frame for most funds, we can expect this rate to rise in 2024-2025. There will also be a lot more funds entering the market to raise funds at the end 2023.

Third, funds have invested billions of dollars in cryptocurrency since 2010. However, this has not been a positive sign. The industry was badly hurt by the FTX scandal last year, so limited partners are slowing down in putting capital into funds. They conduct a deeper due diligence to learn more about the fund’s operations and make informed decisions.

Another reason for lower investments is the 2022 stock market crash. Institutional investors are still trying to recover from the stock market decline of 2022 and adapt to the new investment environment. In concert with the stock market crash, a good venture capitalist reduced the value of their portfolio.

What is the future of venture capital?

These funds were raised many times over the years based on diversity (or on environmental, socio and governance) principles.  Blackrock and corporate boards are not the only ones that embrace diversity. “woke capital” movement. They will almost always fail because they invest in problems that cannot easily be solved.

Although it may take several funding cycles before this thesis is proven, it will most likely succeed. Venture capital’s embrace of green energy and government subsidies under the Obama administration didn’t work out for investors. Investors are being offered similar carrots by the Biden administration.

Fund managers who invest in businesses solely to build a company and generate income for the bottom line do better. This is a win-win situation for society.

The views expressed in this article reflect the opinions of the author, and not necessarily the views of The Epoch Times.

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