the epoch times

Trump denies sharing sensitive information with Mar-a-Lago member, calls it ‘fake news’.

Former President Donald Trump vehemently denied reports that‌ he discussed classified information ​with an Australian billionaire on Truth ⁤Social, dismissing the story as “Fake News” amplified by The New York ⁤Times.


In early October, ABC reported that the former ⁤mar-a-lago-member-is-fake-news/” title=”Trump denies sharing sensitive information with Mar-a-Lago member, calls it ‘fake news’.”>president allegedly shared sensitive nuclear submarine information with a member of Mar-a-Lago, who⁤ then spread it to numerous individuals. The NY Times​ and 60 Minutes Australia recently published reports stating that Anthony Pratt, a prominent ‌Australian figure, was interviewed by special counsel Jack‍ Smith regarding a case accusing Trump of mishandling classified‌ documents.

Pratt, a potential witness, voluntarily paid an exorbitant amount to attend a Mar-a-Lago New ‌Year’s⁢ Eve gala and ‍was a strong supporter of Trump’s​ re-election. During interviews with the prosecution, Pratt claimed that Trump divulged details about his conversations with world leaders, including sensitive information about submarines. He also heavily criticized Trump’s ethical conduct.

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A spokesperson for Trump did not ⁤deny the content of the interviews but argued that the quotes lacked proper context.

On Truth Social, ​Trump categorically denied discussing submarines with​ Pratt.

“I never spoke to him about submarines, but⁣ I ​did discuss job creation in⁢ Ohio and Pennsylvania. My focus has always been ‌on jobs, a strong economy, low taxes, no inflation, energy dominance, secure borders, ending endless⁤ wars, low ‍interest rates, and much more!” he asserted.

Trump also criticized the ‍NY Times for not seeking⁣ his comment on the matter.

Documents Case

The historic case ‍against Trump is scheduled for trial in May 2024, although ​his legal team is attempting to postpone it until after the presidential elections.

Last August, the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago⁤ estate ​with a search warrant for classified documents that‌ had been⁢ subpoenaed. In June, Trump was indicted on 40⁢ counts ⁤of allegedly mishandling classified documents. He ​pleaded not ⁣guilty, claiming that he had declassified the⁢ documents and had the right⁢ to possess them under ⁣the Presidential Records Act.

Smith is also prosecuting a separate case against Trump, accusing him of acting ​dishonestly, fraudulently, and deceitfully in⁢ challenging the 2020 election results as someone who knew he had lost.

Jan. 6⁤ Case

The trial​ for this case is set to begin on March⁣ 4, 2024, in Washington. However, Trump ‍announced on Truth Social ⁣that he is seeking a change of venue.

“Washington (D.C.) has become⁢ a dirty, crime-ridden death trap that must be taken over and properly run by​ the Federal Government. It is, ‍and will be, part of my Election ⁤Platform.‍ We will clean it, renovate ⁢and rebuild it – ⁣and, most importantly, MAKE IT ​SAFE,” he declared.

Trump previously requested Judge Tanya Chutkan to recuse herself from the case, arguing that she displayed‌ bias against him ⁢based on​ remarks she made during⁤ the sentencing of individuals involved in ‍the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach. However, she declined to step down.

Later, Judge Chutkan issued a gag order that would have prevented Trump from speaking out against Smith regarding the ‍case. It⁢ remains unclear whether this prohibition would extend to comments about Smith in relation to⁤ the‌ Mar-a-Lago case, as seen‍ in Trump’s​ recent Truth Social post. The gag order was temporarily lifted while Trump’s legal team appeals the decision.

What are the potential repercussions of mishandling classified information, both for national security and for ⁤the public’s perception of​ political ⁣leaders like Trump?

P also lambasted the media for spreading‌ “Fake News”, claiming that they were ⁣attempting to tarnish ⁤his reputation and distract from his accomplishments as president.‍ He​ accused The New‍ York Times of being⁢ part ​of a bias mainstream ‌media machine that disseminates false information to​ manipulate public opinion.

In response to‍ the reports, Truth Social, the ⁤social media platform ⁣launched by Trump, has⁤ been⁢ inundated with⁣ comments and discussions. ‍Many⁣ users tend to support Trump and accuse⁢ the media of bias and unfair reporting. ⁢Others,⁤ however, ⁢express concerns about ‍the potential mishandling of⁤ classified information and the consequences it may⁤ have on national security.

The allegations against Trump regarding ⁣classified information are ​not the first of their kind. During his presidency,⁤ there were several instances​ where ‌concerns ‌were raised about his handling of sensitive documents and discussions. These allegations continue to fuel political debates and discourse in the United States.

It remains to be seen ​what impact these recent reports will ‍have on Trump’s political future. Despite his denial⁢ of discussing submarines with Pratt, ‍the allegations have undoubtedly raised questions about his trustworthiness and⁤ ability to handle confidential information appropriately. The ⁤investigation⁤ by special counsel ‌Jack Smith will likely shed light on the⁤ truth ⁤behind these ‍allegations.

In conclusion,⁤ the controversy surrounding former President Donald Trump’s alleged discussion of ‍classified ‌information with an ​Australian billionaire on Truth Social has ignited ​a fierce debate.⁢ Trump vehemently denies the accusations, dismissing them as “Fake News” propagated⁤ by The New York ⁤Times. The investigation into these allegations will undoubtedly have significant implications for Trump’s political career and​ the discourse surrounding his ⁤presidency. Only ⁢time will‍ tell the⁤ full extent of the consequences and the‍ impact they will have on the ‍American ⁤political landscape.

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