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TikTok Bans Scott Newgent’s Organization Hour After Newgent Spoke At Matt Walsh’s ‘Rally To End Child Mutilation’

The official TikTok account for Scott Newgent’s organization TreVoices was banned from the platform Friday after the activist and star of Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman?” gave a powerful speech at Walsh’s “Rally to End Child Mutilation” Friday.

TreVoices is a group that brings together anyone from transgender adults and those in the LGBTQ community to parents and religious leaders seeking to speak out against transgender treatment on children. Newgent appeared in Nashville outside the Tennessee State Capitol with Walsh, former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, detransitioner Chloe Cole, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and others raising awareness about the dangers of transgender treatment for minors.

“My only objective with TreVoices is to transfer my passion and experience as a trans man, as a lesbian, double quoted on the rainbow. Encourage everyone to talk to your children, your parents, your sisters, your brothers, your cousins, your neighbors, your coworkers. I want to inspire people to have those difficult conversations when you might not agree with them,” Newgent said as leftist protesters shouted in the crowd.

“Within this debate, a bigot today is a hero tomorrow,” Newgent added. “My question is: are you willing to take the heat today to be a hero tomorrow to save a generation of children?”

Scott Newgent: “Within this debate, a bigot today is a hero tomorrow…Are you willing to take the heat today to be a hero tomorrow to save a generation of children?”

— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) October 21, 2022

Newgent said TikTok suspended the account, with no reason given, just an hour after the speech concluded. An image of a message from TikTok reviewed by The Daily Wire simply said, “Your account was banned,” and then gave Newgent a chance to appeal if there is reason to believe it was a mistake. Newgent said the account gained 16,000 followers after opening on the platform three weeks ago.

Newgent expressed frustration to The Daily Wire, saying the ban “is so exhausting.”

“This is like running uphill with NO LEGS! I have no support!” Newgent said.

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