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Report: Biden Team ‘Ran Out of Time’ To Discuss Immigration With Mexican Officials

Meeting between U.S. officials and Mexican officials on Monday “ran out of time” Bloomberg should be mentioned before we discuss the border crisis. reported Wednesday.

While “uncontrolled migration across the U.S. southern border” This was “on the agenda” for an official meeting between American president Joe Biden and Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a private talk between the leaders ran so long that the two administrations left the subject of immigration “largely unaddressed.”

Instead, the Biden-López Obrador meeting focused on “supply chains and drug smuggling,” Bloomberg was informed by officials.

The Biden administration is not the only one to give short shrift the border crisis. Even though illegal immigration soared to new heights last year, Biden has never visited the border. It is possible to say In December, there were “more important things going on.” Before his trip to Mexico, he only visited the border once. Kamala Harris (Vice President), was the one who visited the border.

Experts say that a Biden measure to discourage migrants will not help to ease the crisis. Submitted The Washington Free Beacon

While officials said that Biden and López Obrador “discussed migration and the border in their private session,” Bloomberg reported that “it isn’t clear how much time they spent on the subject or in what detail they spoke.” López Obrador said that he and Biden only spoke about immigration “in a very broad manner.”

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