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Self-Styled Principled Conservatives, Including David French, Accused of Misleading Americans to Preserve Their Own Influence

Calling⁣ all conservatives who are⁢ passionate about law⁤ and order, a thriving economy, ⁤and America’s global leadership status! It appears​ David French of The New York Times ⁣suggests that supporting President Joe Biden’s re-election aligns with‍ these ​values.

In a thought-provoking Sunday column titled “Why Haley Voters Should Support Biden,” French presents the intriguing ⁤premise ‍that those who previously rallied behind ex-Governor Haley may find a ⁢surprising political ​home⁤ with Biden, rather than with ex-President Trump.

Citing Biden’s remarks, which preceded his dynamic State of the Union address, French asserts that Biden’s stances on key issues‌ should​ draw Haley’s supporters into his camp, advocating democracy, decency, and a steadfast commitment to NATO.

French zeroes in⁣ on⁢ NATO expansion and selective Trump quotes, making the bold⁤ claim that Biden has strengthened America’s position ⁣on‌ the world ⁤stage. Despite Biden’s contentious moments, such ⁢as‍ the turbulent Afghanistan withdrawal,​ an ⁤Iran‍ increasingly emboldened, and rising tensions with China, French maintains that these do not diminish Biden’s—or ​America’s—strength.

Moreover, David French paints a rosier picture of the economy under Biden’s watch,⁤ highlighting favorable unemployment numbers and a bullish ​stock market as⁤ indicators of success. ‍He suggests ⁢skepticism over the‍ economy’s health is misplaced,​ despite⁣ the pervasive impact of ​relentless inflation and the challenges​ faced ​by American workers and​ homeowners.

The sardonic mention of a ballooning federal budget and a ‘nation of renters’ ‍only adds to the intrigue of what French defines⁣ as ‘economic stewardship’.

As the campaign ​heats up, French’s stance is clear⁤ – he’s pulling for his candidate, employing a mix of sharp analysis and provocative claims. ​But don’t be⁤ quick to dismiss; such perspectives fuel the ​debate, pushing us to question where true conservative values lie in today’s political‍ landscape.

Controversial or not, French’s column calls‍ to the fore a complex query: what, indeed, is the ⁣conservative choice in an election charged with unprecedented dynamics?

Could ⁣”diabolical” ​better ⁣describe the attempts⁣ to gaslight the‍ public on the pillars of “rule of⁢ law,” “democracy,” and⁤ “decency”? It’s a trend that David French and his peers seem​ to​ embrace.

The⁤ Summit of Principled Resistance

This past ⁣February ‌witnessed the ⁢fourth annual Principles⁣ First Summit—a gathering championing ‍the “health of American democracy”—where ⁢notable Never Trump and anti-populist figures‌ echoed their distaste for Trump’s potential⁤ return, positioning themselves as guardians of America’s ⁤political tenets.

Defending American Democracy or Preserving Power?

The Principles First cohort fears ​that a second ⁣Trump term could threaten America’s self-governance. Yet, they fall short of proving exactly how ‌Trump represents such a dire risk​ to the nation’s future.

Judge Michael Luttig, a prominent Never Trump legal scholar, vehemently argued at⁤ the summit ‌that Trump could damage the very fabric of American democracy, yet ⁤turned a ⁢blind eye to the continuous targeting of ‍Trump and ⁤the mounting‌ allegations against President Biden.

“Trump has tested America’s democracy, the Constitution, and ‌the rule of⁢ law beyond the breaking point ⁤over the ‌past four years, and he promises to ‍break [them] on his way​ to the White House in 2024.” – Michael Luttig

Where Do Loyalties Lie?

To‍ French and similar‌ thinkers, buzzwords like “democracy” ‍and “decency” are merely tools to sustain their⁤ elite status.‌ Accusations of manipulation ​by the American government, media, and Big Tech suggest​ a concerted effort to control public ⁣perception and ‍decision-making,⁢ casting doubts on⁢ the integrity of these core democratic values.

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For French and his peers,‍ political entrenchment ⁢trumps actual belief. Their narratives on “norms” and “decency” clash with actions that⁣ undermine the principles they claim to uphold.

Colliding Ideologies within⁤ the Republican Party

French⁢ acknowledges ‍the widening rift⁢ between ‌the New Right and ⁢institutional wings of the Republican Party—a split⁣ that pries open ⁢the question of the party’s future direction.

The New Right: ​A Voice⁢ for Middle American Radicals

The late thinker Sam Francis described ⁤the New Right’s sharp criticism of the political elite and their anti-establishment sentiment. This groundswell movement sees itself in opposition to a⁤ self-serving governance structure, seeking to restore power to the people.

The New Right, characterized by their Middle American Radical beliefs, feels betrayed by a ‍system they once trusted, a broken promise that fueled their ⁣support for Trump’s presidency—a defiance against decades of political neglect and eroded sovereignty.

Understanding the Landscape of Dissent

Sam Francis‍ painted a picture of a​ populace frustrated with economic ​inequalities ‌and distrustful‍ of the establishment—a recipe that ⁢brewed the populist uprising propelling Trump to the White House, challenging the elite’s cosmopolitan ethos.

As the Republican electorate awakens to the realities of an unaccountable political class, the true​ fight for ​authenticity within the party, and ‍indeed the country, continues to intensify.

The stark reality is that figures like French understand the implications‌ of their actions—how they’re shaping the ⁢national dialogue and influencing our democratic institutions.

The Good Guys’‍ Narrative

In the eyes of some institutionalists, their moral compass points to ​a simple ‌dichotomy: they are ‌the protagonists, and President Trump alongside his ‌supporters represents an antagonistic threat—a threat that challenges the power and affluence they’ve grown accustomed to. Thus, ⁣any⁣ action they take is framed as a valorous defense of the nation.

Democracy and Rule of ​Law: Tools for Justification?

These elites weaponize principles like “democracy” and the “rule of law” as shields to safeguard their interests. However, these​ very ⁣principles ⁤become inconvenient when⁢ they ⁢demand accountability ‍from those in power.

In their eyes, upholding ​the status‍ quo is the prime directive—even if it means upending‌ the foundational norms they claim to cherish. The only ⁤sacrosanct “norm” becomes the conservation ⁤of their elite status. ⁣This ⁤skewed⁤ perception is what propels them to justify even the most drastic ⁣measures to⁤ cling to power.

If the⁤ specter of losing control⁣ looms large, the‍ elite’s instinct is to‍ jettison any principle that​ stands in their way, to preserve the​ semblance ‌of being the ‘good guys’.

The Erosion of Trust

Figures like David French, and others within the establishment, have lost touch with the populace. They’ve eroded the reservoir of trust that the public once had in them, and in doing so, have​ caused lasting⁣ damage to⁣ the fabric of American democracy.

The constant self-portrayal as “the good guys” has worn thin, ​as the American people witness an⁢ ongoing struggle to maintain ⁢a semblance of fairness and integrity in governance.

What becomes clear ⁤is that for some within the halls of power, the end always justifies the means, so long⁤ as they remain‍ atop the hierarchy.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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