Washington Examiner

Ohio legislator proposes legislation to revoke the 16th Amendment

Rep.‍ Warren Davidson, a Republican from Ohio, has introduced a bill to repeal the ​16th Amendment, granting the government the authority ⁤to tax individuals’ income. This⁢ legislative proposal ‍aims to address the​ taxation ‌system⁣ in the United States. To ‌learn more about ‍this initiative, click on “Read more…” below⁢ the⁣ article. Rep. Warren⁤ Davidson, a Republican ⁣from Ohio, has put forth⁤ a bill ⁣to ⁤eliminate the 16th Amendment, which empowers the government to tax individual incomes. This legislation seeks to reform the ​taxation system in the United States. For further details​ on this⁣ proposal,‌ click on “Read more…” below the⁣ article.

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) proposed legislation aimed at repealing the 16th Amendment, which allows the government to tax people’s income.

The congressman brought up his legislation in an interview with Just the News, No Noise on Wednesday. Among the four co-sponsors are Reps. Mary Miller (R-IL) and Ronny Jackson (R-TX).

“Originally the country didn’t have an income tax,” Davidson told the show hosts. “They passed the 16th Amendment to make it legal to tax people’s income. It was originally just going to be for the really, really rich people. And of course, now it’s hitting everybody.”

Davidson originally introduced the legislation last year, though the lower chamber has not voted on the repeal. He said he would “love to get a vote on it.”

“Income taxes are definitely not necessary,” Davidson wrote in an X post. “They are neither efficient nor effective at collecting tax revenue. They are, however, powerful for surveillance and control.”

The Ohio congressman serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Financial Services Committee. He overwhelmingly won the GOP nomination in Ohio’s 8th Congressional District.


Last year, Republicans proposed legislation to abolish the Internal Revenue Service and replace the income tax system with a flat national sales tax, but has not been taken up for a vote.

While Warren’s bill could prove popular among taxpayers, it is uncertain when the House could vote on it, as it was referred to the House Judiciary Committee last year.

Read More From Original Article Here: Ohio lawmaker introduces bill to repeal 16th Amendment

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