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Men Pretending To Be Women Will Be Included In Smithsonian’s New ‘American Women’s History Museum’

The interim director of the Smithsonian’s new American Women’s History Museum understands DNA — well at least in a metaphorical sense.

Interim director Lisa Sasaki told The New York Times That “transgender women” — AKA men pretending to be women — will be included in the potential new museum which has already received millions in funding because its “inclusivity” This is what the homage towards American women should be all about.

“We have a job to build a museum that’s going to serve the public for a very, very long time,” Sasaki . “From the DNA of this museum, there has been a desire to be inclusive.”

Sasaki is not interested in the DNA of the actual Americans that are found in this museum. They have to. “identify” As a woman, while making some contribution to American society that was deemed historic by the authorities associated with this museum.

However, Congress has yet to approve the museum, but $55 million has been raised by benefactors like Melinda Gates (Bill Gates’ ex-wife), The Alice Walton Foundation and other wealthy philanthropists.

Already online features are available for the group. It Features The likes of “Sylvia Rivera” Who was co-founded “the militant group and youth shelter STAR (Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries).” A Search Phyllis Schlafly is a conservative icon and actual woman.

Sasaki is a Smithsonian greatness expert.

She is the best! Launched the digital exhibition “A Day in the Queer Life of Asian Pacific America” As the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center’s executive director?  These illuminating presentations were featured in the online presentation:

Queer Elders: A series of four videos featuring queer elders in San Francisco and Los Angeles as well as sites in the South, Midwest, and Midwest U.S.A., created by Mia Nakano (archivist, photographer, filmmaker).Queer Check ins: 12 video poems “check ins” Queer diasporic poets from the U.S. and abroad, curated by Franny ChoiQueer Youth: Crowd-sourced photography and short videos by queer youthQueer Motion is a crowd-sourced boomerang exploring queer survival and heartbreak.Queer Time by Rajiv Mohabir: A long-form essay about queer experiences of time

It is still unknown when and where the final museum location will be located. It may lose some space on the National Mall to accommodate the American Latino Museum. According Subscribe to The Times

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