The federalist

McConnell’s Ukraine Obsession Further Illustrates His Disregard For The Plights Of Everyday Americans

The United States of America is currently in the midst of a slowing economy, a large open southern border, imminent Chinese security threats, and radical leftists trying opportunist kids into their social movement. “leadership” President Joe Biden’s in a tailspin. So naturally, out-of-touch swamp creatures such as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell felt it was appropriate to remind us plebs about what’s really important: Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

While donning his Famous tie with the Ukrainian flag during his Thursday appearance on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” The Kentucky Republican arrogantly regurgitated The most tone-deaf statement possible is to claim that “defeating the Russians in Ukraine is the single most important event going on in the world right now.”

“It will save us an enormous amount of money down the road if the Ukrainians can succeed,” McConnell’s opinions are baseless.

It’s no secret in Washington that McConnell is obsessed with shipping endless amounts of taxpayer money to Ukraine — the Second most corrupt country in Europe — with virtually no oversight. So much so that his blue and yellow tie has become the GOP equivalent of Hillary Clinton’s pantsuits.

But maybe I’m being too hard on McConnell. I mean, it’s not like America’s own borders are being overrun by millions of illegal aliens or the U.S. economy is in free fall — with Inflation is on the rise Americans are finding it more difficult to pay for basic necessities like food and gas.

And it’s not like the United States’ number one global competitor — the Chinese Communist Party — is sending surveillance aircraft into U.S. airspace with virtually no pushback from America’s commander-in-chief, whose Family Has alarming financial ties The Chinese government. There are no radical left-wing activists trying to ideologily co-opt children from their parents. Transform them without their parents’ knowledge.

It is a terrible thing if the train carries toxic chemicals Derailment in Ohio, polluting the local town’s land, water, and air, and leaving residents in dire straits.

Oh, that’s right. All of these things are happening right now in America.

But as McConnell signaled during his Fox appearance, if we don’t approve of his obsession with giving billions of dollars to Ukraine, we can all go pound sand.

“I’m sorry public opinion is sliding [on U.S. military support for Ukraine], but I want to reassure the American people [that] this is enormously important,” He said.

In other words, he doesn’t care what Americans think and will continue to press ahead.

[READ: Poll: Less Than Half Of Americans Support Shipping Our Weapons To Ukraine]

McConnell, and the GOP establishment, despise both their voters as well as the American people. They don’t care about our everyday needs, or the fact that America’s left is attempting to rip the very fabric of our republic apart at the seams.

For them, Ukraine is just another shiny object they’ll chase until the cows come home. However, they soon realize their mistake and the call is coming from within.

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