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In 2020, China Privately Told Biden Ally They Wanted Joe To Win

Former president Barack Obama’s ambassador in China said that Joe Biden was supported by the Chinese Communist Party to win the 2020 presidential elections.

Max Baucus, who is on the payroll of several CCP-connected firms, said in an interview With Politico Published Friday, CCP officials expressed optimism about Biden’s ability to soften relations between the United States of America and China.

“I had some very good Chinese friends—high up in the government—and I talked to them before the [2020] election, and they said they hoped Biden would win the election and not [Donald] Trump,” Baucus said. “Why? Because they said, ‘We could deal with Biden.’ They thought because he’s steeped in foreign policy and he was chairman of that Foreign Relations Committee, he’s reasonable, whereas … you never know where Trump is going to go.”

Few former high ranking government officials had closer ties with the CCP than they did. BaucusBaucus is the owner of a Chinese consulting firm and sits on Alibaba’s board. Baucus was vocal in his criticism of Trump’s policies towards China. He even appeared on Chinese state television To criticize the policies of the administration. While vice president, Biden advocated for Baucus’s appointment as ambassador to China, likely prompting Baucus to endorse Biden’s 2020 presidential bid.

Baucus said Politico Even though Chinese government officials preferred Biden during the 2020 campaign they have now “changed their mind.” Baucus stated that the CCP had concluded that Biden’s win was a success. “Biden’s rhetoric isn’t as anti-China as Trump’s, but his policies are more anti-China than Trump’s.”

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