Gov. DeSantis: Biden Won’t Get Away With a “Ministry of Truth”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed the Biden administration and the Department of Homeland Security for establishing a “Ministry of Truth” in the form of the Bureau of Disinformation, a development that he says he thought was a “belated April Fools joke.”

DeSantis made the comments on Friday, where he discussed Biden’s current losing streak.

“The Biden Administration is not exactly on a winning streak. They’ve got a lot of problems. They fuel nasty inflation, you look at gas prices, 4, 4.50, 5 dollars a gallon for unleaded, and that’s way higher than it was a year or a year and a half a go,” he said.

“They’re not doing anything to alleviate that by doing more domestic energy, they printed so much money that you have massive inflation, 8.5 percent, but that’s understating it because most of the things that matter have gone up way more than that,” he said.

“You’re floundering on the world stage, you’re shaking hands with the air, you’re doing the Easter bunny, I mean, it’s really, I mean it’s sad, but it also is really negatively impacting people’s lives,” he said, referring to several Biden gaffes that have taken place over the past few weeks.

“As if they don’t have enough issues to deal with, they now have an idea, and I honestly thought this was a belated April Fools joke, but they’re actually going to create, the DHS, a Bureau of Disinformation.

“It’s basically a Ministry of Truth,” said DeSantis, referring to George Orwell’s book 1984. “And what they want to do, is they want to be able to put out false narratives without people being able to speak out and fight back. They want to be able to say things, like ‘Russiacollusion,’ and perpetuate hoaxes and then have people like us be silenced.”

On Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security under Biden announced the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board in what they say is an effort to counter the spread of misinformation related to homeland security.

“They want to be able to advocate for Covid lockdowns, they want to be able to advocate for school closures, things that are not supported by the evidence, but then when you speak out, they want to stifle dissent,” continued DeSantis.

“So we reject this bureau in the state of Florida. We believe it’s essential that individual Floridians and Americans are able to speak out against false narratives trying to be jammed down our throats by this regime.

“We know they actually appointed somebody to lead it that who herself has been an advocate for Covid lockdowns… has put out disinformation about the Hunter Biden tapes, who supported Russiacollusion conspiracy theories, and so this is not acceptable, and in Florida, we’re not going to have it.

Nina Jankowicz, the new head of said board, had called the Hunter Biden laptop story a “Trump campaign product,” which in itself is disinformation.

The Ministry of Truth, in Orwell’s 1984, serves as the propaganda and censorship department of Oceania, and is widely known for its three slogans on the outside of its building: “WAR IS PEACE,” “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY,” and “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.”

“Let’s get real here. Let’s start dealing with issues that people actually care about… When you’re not doing well, there are two ways to do it. You can try to do better and so then maybe people will like what you’re doing better, or you can try to shut up everybody who is criticizing your bad policies. It seems like they’re trying to do the latter,” he said.

“They want to stifle descent. I can feel, though, that the public is sick of this, and you also see it with Elon Musk purchasing Twitter.

“They wanted to use Twitter as a way to enforce the narrative. When you do things like talk about things that conflict with what people like Fauci say, or whatever, and these are very eminent people and show how what he’s saying is wrong, they will silence. They will deplatform you. They will censor you, and so that is something for free society to not be able to speak out on these major platforms where so much speech goes on. That’s a huge, huge problem, and Musk saw that and saw people being censored.”

Space X and Tesla CEO Elon Musk called Biden’s appointment of a leftist as the head of the new Disinformation Board, and the timing of the launch of the Board, “messed up.”

“He saw websites like The Babylon Bee, a satire site being locked out because they had the temerity to do satire about somebody’s transgender ideology.

“So, what he’s doing, I don’t think the board wanted to accept the offer, but they had to because financially it makes sense. We let it be known in Florida since our state pension fund has shares of Twitter that we would actually hold the board of directors accountable… They gotta do what’s right and in the interests of the shareholders, they can’t reject Musk’s offer, because they’re worried that he’s going to open it up. I think that shows you, that there’s a lot of momentum now behind having free speech,” DeSantis said.

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