EXCLUSIVE: ‘Justice Must Be Administered Equally’ — Republican Senators Demand Answers For 2020 Riots, Capitol Riot From DOJ

A group of Republican senators sent a letter Monday to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding answers regarding punishments for those who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 and those who rioted over the spring and summer of 2020.

The Daily Caller first obtained the letter, which was sent to the Department of Justice (DOJ) by Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, Utah Sen. Mike Lee and Florida Sen. Rick Scott.

In the letter, the group of GOP Senators draw parallels between the treatment of the Capitol rioters to the treatment of rioters throughout the spring and summer of 2020 and call for clarifications on punishment.

Throughout the spring and summer of 2020, there were nonstop protests and riots after the death of George Floyd. Cities were set on fire and companies and small businesses were looted across the country.

The Republican Senators ask, among other questions, how many people were arrested for committing crimes during the 2020 spring and summer riots, if federal law enforcement used geolocation data from defendants’ cell phones to track rioters down, how many of the rioters were released on bail and more. (RELATED: Sources: ‘Conversations’ Pelosi Had With Sgt At Arms About National Guard Presence Factored Into ‘Blender Of Decision Making’ That Led Up To Riot)

Here Are The Questions The Senators Are Asking The DOJ About The Riots In The Spring/Summer Of 2020: 

  • Did federal law enforcement utilize geolocation data from defendants’ cell phones to track protestors associated with the unrest in the spring and summer of 2020? If so, how many times and for which locations/riots?
  • How many individuals who may have committed crimes associated with protests in the spring and summer of 2020 were arrested by law enforcement using pre-dawn raids and SWAT teams?
  • How many individuals were incarcerated for allegedly committing crimes associated with protests in the spring and summer of 2020?
  • How many of these individuals are or were placed in solitary confinement? What was the average amount of consecutive days such individuals were in solitary confinement?
  • How many of these individuals have been released on bail?
  • How many of these individuals were released on their own recognizance or without being required to post bond?
  • How many of these individuals were offered deferred resolution agreements?
  • How many DOJ prosecutors were assigned to work on cases involving defendants who allegedly committed crimes associated with protests in the spring and summer of 2020?
  • How many FBI personnel were assigned to work on cases involving defendants who allegedly committed crimes associated with protests in the spring and summer of 2020?

Here Are The Questions The Senators Are Asking About The Capitol Riot On January 6: 

  • Did federal law enforcement utilize geolocation data from defendants’ cell phones to track protestors associated with the January 6, 2021 protests and Capitol breach? If so, how many times and how many additional arrests resulted from law enforcement utilizing geolocation information?
  • How many individuals who may have committed crimes associated with the Capitol breach were arrested by law enforcement using pre-dawn raids and SWAT teams?
  • How many individuals are incarcerated for allegedly committing crimes associated with the Capitol breach?
  • How many of these individuals are or were placed in solitary confinement? What was the average amount of consecutive days such individuals were in solitary confinement?
  • How many of these individuals have been released on bail?
  • How many of these individuals have been released on their own recognizance or without being required to post bond?
  • How many of these individuals were offered deferred resolution agreements?
  • How many DOJ prosecutors have been assigned to work on cases involving defendants who allegedly committed crimes associated with the Capitol breach?
  • How many FBI personnel were assigned to work on cases involving defendants who allegedly committed crimes associated with the Capitol breach? (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans File Complaint Against Democrats For Claims That GOP Led ‘Reconnaissance’ Tours Before Capitol Riot)


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

“All Americans have the constitutional right to peaceably assemble, but when protests turn into riots, all violence should be condemned and lawbreakers should be prosecuted. However, justice must be administered equally, and I’m concerned we see evidence that it is not. We need answers from the DOJ to ensure its mission – fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans – is faithfully executed,” Johnson told the Daily Caller. (RELATED: ‘Transparently Security Theater’: Onlookers, Members Of Congress Call Bullsh*t On Capitol Police ‘Security Threat’)

“Violence of any kind cannot be tolerated and those who commit crimes must be held accountable. The Department of Justice needs to answer for why there hasn’t been an equal administration of justice with respect to violent protests that occurred throughout our nation last year,” Scott told the Daily Caller.

The group of senators demanded the DOJ provide them with answers to their questions by June 21, 2021.

Read More From Original Article Here:

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