The bongino report

Democrats Demand More Progressive Changes in America’s Election Laws

The dust of the 2022 midterm contests has barely settled and Democrats — invigorated by the Red Wave that evaporated under extended lax voting policies — are out to make sweeping changes to our nation’s election laws once again.

Consider 2020. In the name of Covid, Democratic governors made radical changes to state election policies. These included mandating universal mail in balloting and a month’s early voting. These changes have been retained by some states. 

The Democrats aren’t satisfied and they shouldn’t be. With their gubernatorial power retained (they kept all but one of the governor’s offices) and newfound control of state legislatures in both Michigan and Minnesota, Democrats are keen to ram through a whole gamut of unprecedented and unconstitutional changes. It’s working, so they’re going to keep doing it.

The New York Times reported, Democrats’ list of policy proposals for 2023 includes expanding automatic voter registration systems, preregistering teenagers to vote, granting felons the right to vote and criminalizing what the left considers election “misinformation.” These policy recommendations have nothing to do with the actual issue. “voting rights,” but Democrats package them as such, and slander their opponents as — you guessed it — racists. 

You should not be confused about the purpose of these proposals. Automatic voter registration is one example. The New York Times notes that such a system — already adopted by 20 states — “adds anyone whose information is on file with a government agency — such as a department of motor vehicles or a social services bureau — to [a state’s] voter rolls unless they opt out.”

During the 2020 election, Michigan’s Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson sent out automatic voter registration forms To all Michigan residents who are eligible. The mailer was sent to all eligible Michigan residents. 114,000 people were automatically added to Michigan’s voter rolls. Many

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