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Can’t Make It Up: Mexican Prez Thanks Biden For Building ‘Not Even One Meter’ Of Border Wall

To defend Illegal immigration, liberals often argue that Latin Americans do the jobs that U.S. citizens simply don’t want to do. People who make such claims often sound racist, as with the Time. Nancy Pelosi, Democratic-CA CongresswomanYou might be wondering who would choose the crops if they weren’t for illegal aliens.

Perhaps those Democrats were right after Tuesday’s event. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador just did the job that the liberal media apparently doesn’t want to do at all: Tell the truth about President Joe Biden’s abdication of border security.

During a joint appearance of the three North American countries, AMLO  — as Biden’s counterpart is known — thanked the U.S. president for not building one iota of wall along the southern border in stark contrast to his predecessors.

“President Biden, you are the first president of the United States in a very long time that has not built not even one meter of wall. And we thank you for that,” AMLO spoke, flanked at Mexico City by Biden and Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau.

WATCH: AMLO thanks Biden “the first President of the United States in a very long time that has not built…not even one meter of (border) wall …. Although some might not like it- although the conservatives don’t like it.”

— Jorge Bonilla (@BonillaJL) January 11, 2023

It would appear AMLO is correct in that the Biden administration has not built any new wall. The U.S. has filled in certain gaps in the existing wall since 2021, but on day one, Biden made it clear he thought the wall was a no-go in terms of solutions for the illegal immigration crisis.

“Like every nation, the United States has a right and a duty to secure its borders and protect its people against threats,” the president said in an executive order on January 20, 2021. “But building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution.  It is a waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.”

After repealing other key aspects of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, Biden effectively created a tidal wave of illegal aliens flooding the southern border.

Curiously enough, after being harangued by conservatives for nearly two years, Biden visited the southern border for a photo op just this week.

“Our problems at the border didn’t arise overnight,” Biden claimed. “And they won’t be solved overnight. But, we can come together to fix this broken system. We can secure the border and fix the immigration process to be orderly, fair, safe, and humane.”

Of course, Biden essentially did create the illegal immigration crisis overnight on his first day in office.

This photo-op explained:

Biden & CBP officers (who are demoralized because of him)

next to a huge wall (built by a Republican)

calling for unity (after calling Republicans semi fascist)

explaining how border problems aren’t fixed overnight (while he created them overnight)

— Will O’Grady (@WillOGrady61) January 9, 2023

His latest solution for the problem is a smartphone app that will help migrants file asylum claims. So, as others pointed out, it seems that the Biden administration doesn’t view the situation as one of national security or sovereignty but rather one of orderliness.

Biden — or, more precisely, whoever is calling the shots — thinks that this issue can be solved by streamlining the process for individuals to apply for asylum. Rather than cross the border, then apply for asylum, he wants men and women to use their phones and androids in their home countries and fill out an application.

It is pretty much the worst sales pitch of all time — a hallmark of the Biden administration.

What sounds better: Option A) Sitting in economic ruin as drug cartels wreak havoc in your village, waiting for an app to reload saying that you’ve been approved asylum admission into the U.S. — or not — and then having to shell out money to travel to the border anyway?

Or Option B) Making the trek to the border, knowing that, more likely than not, you can cross into America, declare asylum in the U.S., and be released into the interior for a better life where you may or may not have to make a court appearance sometime down the road?

Option B is the better choice, obviously.

It should be noted that none of this should be considered a “failure.” This is all a choice by the Biden administration.

Democrats have made it abundantly clear that they believe illegal immigration is a good thing that benefits the country, and these men and women should be given amnesty.

These millions coming here are no different than your grandfather who hopped off the boat at Ellis Island, the leftist argument goes. Worse, Biden seems to fundamentally misunderstand what is happening.

Biden stated this week, “All of us have been immigrants…It’s not like people

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