Washington Examiner

Boebert announces she’ll be a grandmother at 36 next month, touts choosing ‘life’ over ‘fear’

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Announced that Tyler, her 17-year-old boy, and his girlfriend are Preparing for a baby.

Boebert, 36 years old, announced the news while speaking at an event organized by Moms for America.


“I’m going to tell you all for the first time in a public setting, that not only am I a mom of four boys, but come April, I will be a gigi to a brand new grandson,” Boebert .

Jayson and Jayson were both happy when the congresswoman spoke out, declaring that they are in their joy. “are so excited to welcome this new life into our family.”

Boebert acknowledged, however, that it is possible to be “questions that pop up” And “some fear that arises,” Yet, she was praised “rural conservative communities” This is the “Value life.”

“If you look at teen pregnancy rates throughout the nation, well, they’re the same, [in] rural and urban areas,” Boebert said. “However, abortion rates are higher in urban areas. Teen moms’ rates are higher in rural conservative areas because they understand the preciousness of a life that it’s about to be born.”

ColoradoBoebert’s hometown state is currently one among six states that allow abortion at any stage of pregnancy.

Boebert also shared with us how her son reminded Boebert of when she became a teenage mom and how it influenced her. Her At the age of 36, mother became a grandmother.

“When I approached him and told him, ‘Tyler, I’m going to be a 36-year-old grandmother,’ he said, ‘Well, didn’t you make Granny a 36-year-old granny?”‘ Boebert shared as the crowd laughed. “I said, ‘Yes, I did.’ He said, ‘Well, then it’s hereditary.’ Nice try, buddy.”

Boebert explained to me recently that she decided to quit high school after becoming pregnant. Boebert later earned her GED.

“I was a brand-new mom, and I had to make hard decisions on successfully raising my child or getting to high school biology class. And I chose to take care of my child,” She said: According Send us a report.


Boebert’s announcement came after her blaming for public schools’. “funding comprehensive sex education” While speaking recently at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

“There are schools that are teaching worse than just gender ideology,” Boebert . “I mean, they have comprehensive sex-ed. They’re teaching kids how to have and enjoy sex, and even sam

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