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Biden left town before signing $1.7 Trillion Omnibus. So now the governor is flying The 4,000 page bill down to his tropical vacation in order to stamp his approval

By ramming through the $1.7 trillion Omnibus Bill The Uniparty just days before Christmas hasn’t officially been signed into law just yet.

It would appear President Joe Biden was the author decided to fly down to a tropical vacation Before Biden signed the document. Taxpayers now foot the bill to fly the bill of over 4,000 pages down St. Croix, so that Biden can sign his John Hancock on the package which funds the U.S. Government through September 2013.

Fox News’ Pat Ward tweeted that a White House source told his colleague, “the Omnibus Bill is in White House possession, and it needs to be signed by 12/30. It will soon be en route to St Croix to be signed here.”

In reaction, conservative John Hasson pointed out that the decision completely undermines the Democratic administration’s commitment to fighting so-called climate change.

“Biden is so concerned about climate change, he’s flying the Omnibus bill to St. Croix so he can sign it in the Caribbean … when he could’ve delayed his vacation for two days and signed it in DC,” He tweeted.

“But we all need to cut our emissions, or something,” Hasson also added.

Biden is so concerned about climate change, he’s flying the Omnibus bill to St. Croix so he can sign it in the Caribbean…when he could’ve delayed his vacation for two days and signed it in DC.

We all have to reduce our carbon emissions.

— John Hasson (@SonofHas) December 29, 2022

Indeed, on Thursday Biden’s Twitter account put out a message that the 46th president was motivated to seek the highest office in the land out of concern for the environment.

“One of the reasons I ran for office was to confront the existential threat climate change poses to our nation and to the world,” Biden tweeted. “With the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act, we took the biggest step towards that goal in American history.”

One of my reasons for running for office was to address the existential threat that climate change poses to our country and the world.

The Inflation Reduction Act was signed, marking the most significant step toward achieving that goal in American History.

— President Biden (@POTUS) December 29, 2022

He’s supposedly so concerned about climate change that he supports spending billions of dollars to create a green energy utopia that will never come, yet he is not so worried about the changing planet that he wouldn’t think twice about flying down a bill on a gas-guzzling plane.

This should inform Americans who still believe in Biden. “genuine” all they need to know if they haven’t got the memo yet is that he and his liberal ilk are about as authentic as a three-dollar bill.

Red State columnist “Bonchie” Added to that, the optics of this scenario was “Absolute perfection.”

“While you can’t afford groceries, the government is flying a $1.7 trillion bill to St. Croix to be signed by a president who hasn’t read it because he couldn’t be bothered to postpone his umpteenth vacation by a day,” The pseudonymous writer also added.

Absolute perfection.

While groceries are not affordable, the government is sending a $1.7 billion bill to St. Croix. It will be signed by a president who didn’t bother to read it and couldn’t bear to delay his umpteenth vacation a day.

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) December 29, 2022

Of course, Democrats don’t actually care about inflation or helping the planet.

They want to stay in power, so they do whatever they can to scare voters and get them to vote for their candidates. They fearmonger about global warming and then gaslight the American people about rising prices of goods.

If you speak out against any of that, then you’re vilified as a threat to democracy.

Perhaps something good can come of Biden’s decision to go on vacation without completing his year-end tasks.

Many Twitter users made a joke about how the American people could only hope that the Omnibus Package is sent via the beleaguered Southwest Airlines. Perhaps the flight is canceled.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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