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Biden Admin Dissolves Parent Council on Education After Complaints About its Left-Wing Bias

The Biden administration is dissolving a council created to address parental concerns with education after critics claimed it was filled with left-wing activists.

A lawsuit filed by conservative education groups in July accused the National Parents and Families Engagement Council of being “partisan” and “influenced inappropriately.” The council was created a month prior to create “effective relationships” between educators and parents. Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, advisory groups must be bipartisan and free of outside influence by any special interest.

“The Department has informed Plaintiffs that it is immediately and permanently disbanding the Council and that the Council will not hold any future meetings,” according to the court dismissal obtained by the Daily Caller.

The council included several liberal advocacy groups, the Daily Caller reported:

The council included The National Parents Union, a group that believes schools should be transformed “to eradicate generational, institutions of oppression.” Keri Rodrigues, the president of The National Parents Union, defended a letter by the National School Board Association which compared parents “to domestic terrorists” and requested that federal law enforcement monitor school boards. 

Also on the council was The National Action Network, a group that works towards “a modern civil rights agenda,” and The League of United Latin American Citizens, a group which pushes “educational attainment and political influence” of Hispanic Americans.

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