The bongino report

Biden Admin Declares War on Gas Stoves

The Biden administration Gas stoves are used in approximately 40% of American households. The government is considering banning them. “reduce climate-warming emissions (such as from methane) that exacerbate climate change” According to WHO and the EPA, gas stoves can emit pollutants that can cause respiratory illnesses.

According to Bloomberg, US Consumer Product Safety Commission Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr said, “This is a hidden hazard” and “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

Bloomberg reports that “peer-reviewed research published last month” connected 12 percent of asthma cases in American children to emissions from gas stoves. Biden’s US Consumer Product Safety Commission is considering regulating gas stoves as a response.

John Hasson pointed out on Twitter that one of the primary studies cited by Bloomberg did a study of only 53 homes that were all located in California.

The World Health Organization and the Environmental Protection Agency have claimed that gas stoves emit gasses such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide at levels that are “unsafe and linked to respiratory illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and other health conditions.”

Brady Seals, who works for the climate change activist “nonprofit clean energy” group RMI in their “carbon-free buildings program” co-authored one of the referenced studies. 

Seals said, “By having a gas connection, we are polluting the insides of our homes.”

In December of 2021, then-NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio signed a law mandating that newly constructed buildings in NYC ban gas stoves.

Representative Don Beyer of Virginia and Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey have reached out to the Biden administration and said gas stoves have a disproportionate effect on “Black, Latino and low-income households.”

On Twitter, Matt Walsh said, “You will have to pry my gas stove from my cold dead hands,” later adding, “Electric stoves are garbage. They cook slow and unevenly. Gas stoves are superior in every way.”

California State Senator Scott Weiner wrote in favor of the ban and said, “Gas stoves are toxic to people’s health. They cause asthma in children, cardiac problems & other disease. They need to be phased out.”

Weiner has also brought forward bills that relax laws for the sex offender registry, puts biological males in women’s prisons, and worked to decriminalize those who infect others with HIV after not telling them of their positive status. Weiner also supports public heroin injection sites and decriminalizing prostitution.

Ian Haworth tweeted, “Joe Biden’s solution to his voluntary destruction of the gas industry is to ban gas cookers, relegating Americans to suffering through food that is either frozen or burned. I.e. tyranny.”

Another user noted, “When you lose power due to a blizzard or hurricane, having a gas stove can save your life. Naturally, the government wants to ban it.”

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